
Journalism is a career and a calling. We serve the public interest by gathering news and telling stories across media—using words, photos, videos, graphics, sound and more. That’s why our program is experiential, giving students hands-on training to develop the skills needed to succeed in a variety of positions and industries.
Our students write travel stories through study-abroad classes in Prague and Copenhagen and they run television news shows in our broadcast studio. They produce podcasts. They create multimedia content for our laboratory news website, Grady Newsource, and for a community newspaper that our program operates, The Oglethorpe Echo. They intern in Atlanta, New York and they work at UGA’s independent student newspaper, The Red & Black.
We have a breadth-and-depth curriculum that teaches foundational skills that all journalists need to know, as well as advanced skills and subjects that students can study based on their interests. We offer classes in video and photo journalism, digital design, feature writing, sports and social media, media law and ethics and podcasting. Discover ways we educate democracy’s next generation.
Curriculum Overview
Through courses in the Journalism major, students learn to find and tell stories that matter on multiple platforms for a variety of audiences. They develop storytelling skills in audio, visual and written forms. They learn what makes a story important, how to gather credible information and how to present it in the most effective way while balancing the ethical and legal needs of news organizations and audiences.
Course Sampler
Note: this is not an exhaustive list of all courses offered within the Journalism Department, and it should be kept in mind that not all courses are offered each semester.
JOUR 3280 – Video Journalism
Students will develop basic skills in videography and video editing using digital camcorders and non-linear editing software. Students will produce one news package that deals with a local event or issue.
JOUR 3380 – Introduction to Digital Design
Students will apply design and user-centered concepts to journalistic storytelling involving layout, data visualization, web/mobile design, basic coding, interactives, social media, and basic animation.
JOUR 5190 – Feature Writing
Teaches students to write engaging feature articles suitable for a range of platforms. Students will write several publishable-quality stories of various lengths and formats, and they will learn to critically read and analyze good writing.
JOUR 5370 – Documentary Photojournalism
Exploration of the extended visual essay using still photography and audio to create stories with social impact. Students research, propose, and complete multiple in-depth projects and look at how the visual story affects community understanding.
JOUR 5490 – Introduction to Podcasting
Equips students with the tools to be adaptable audio storytellers by introducing them to podcast production. Students will develop technical audio skills and hone their writing skills, ultimately producing short-form audio stories as well as a podcast episode and a series proposal.
JRLC 3600 – Media Savvy: Becoming Digitally Literate
This course enhances the ability to discern between news and misinformation through critical examination of how we access, analyze, verify, and create media messages.
JRLC 3700 – Photography and Storytelling: Communicating Visually
Provides foundations of camera operation and principles of visual literacy and communication. Students develop a critical eye toward visual imagery and learn to make better pictures, whether for personal or professional goals.
JRLC 5040 – Law of Mass Communication
First Amendment principles and communication law affecting print, telecommunications, advertising, and public relations.
JRLC 5080 – International Mass Communication
Mass media of the world – what they are like, how they operate, and what impact they have. Philosophies of different systems will be compared, as well as efforts at development or regulation of these systems.
JRLC 5490 – History of the Mass Media in the United States
Mass media in the United States from the colonial period to the present. Special attention is given to newspapers, magazines, radio, and television and their relationship to the history and development of the nation.
Additional Information
Admissions Process & Requirements
Degree Requirements
Listing of Major Courses
Journalism Technology Requirements
Department of Journalism Head
Dr. Jonathan Peters
Department Head, Associate Professor
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Karin Assmann
Assistant Professor
About: Dr. Karin Assmann teaches video journalism, multimedia production, reporting and storytelling, as well as graduate courses on journalism and mass communication theory. She studies the sociology and business of news […]
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Skylar Bandoly
Part-time Instructor
Skylar Nicholson Bandoly (ABJ ’20, MA ’22) is a part-time instructor at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. Bandoly is a social media editor with The Wall Street […]
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Moni Basu
Charlayne Hunter Gault Distinguished Writer in Residence; Director of the MFA Narrative Nonfiction Program
About: Moni Basu, otherwise known as Prof B, teaches feature and narrative nonfiction writing. She is the director of the low-residency MFA in Narrative Nonfiction and the Charlayne Hunter-Gault writer […]
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Matthew Binford
PhD student
Matt Binford is a first year PhD student specializing in journalism and political communications. His research interests typically focus around knowledge gain and retention from nontraditional news sources. Matt’s secondary […]
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Barbara Bond
Lead Business Manager
Prior to Grady College, Barbara Bond spent the last ten years in the health care industry – nine years as a lead certified pharmacy technician and one year as a […]
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Amanda Bright
Clinical Associate; Director, Cox Institute Journalism Innovation Lab
ABOUT Amanda Bright teaches capstone journalism and news literacy classes and digital design. She serves as the managing editor for Newsource’s digital products and is the instructor and assistant editor for The Oglethorpe […]
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Rebecca Burns
Part-time faculty
About: Burns serves as publisher of The Red & Black Publishing Company, Inc., an independent student media nonprofit that publishes the largest student newspaper in Georgia, provides journalism training, produces […]
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Dodie Cantrell-Bickley
Senior Lecturer
About: Thirty+ years in various television news positions including anchor, investigative reporter, executive producer and News Director. As News Director launched one of the first local news websites in the […]
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Nick Chiles
Writer in Residence
About: Nick Chiles is a writer in residence teaching Feature Writing courses. Previously he was the writing coach at the Grady Writing Lab for journalism students and an industry fellow […]
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Tracy Coley
Part-time Instructor
Tracy Coley (ABJ ’90, MFA ’19) worked for nearly 30 years as a writer, editor, graphic designer, and student mentor in marketing and communications for the University of Georgia. She […]
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Charles N. Davis
Grady College Dean, Professor
About: Charles N. Davis is the Dean of the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. He was appointed in 2013, after a […]
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Carlo Finlay
Lecturer, Assistant Director of Carmical Sports Media Institute
Carlo Finlay is the associate director and lecturer for the Carmical Sports Media Institute.
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Keith Herndon
William S. Morris Chair in News Strategy and Management; Executive Director, James M. Cox Jr. Institute and Professor of Practice in Journalism
About: Dr. Herndon teaches the introductory course Media, News and Consumers, Business of News, Financial Journalism and Food Journalism as a special topics course and as independent study. He holds […]
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Andrea Hudson
About Andrea Hudson teaches a variety of journalism classes, including photojournalism and reporting and writing across platforms. Her research is grounded in women’s studies and visual communication. View Curriculum Vitae […]
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Janice Hume
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Carolyn McKenzie and Don E. Carter Chair for Excellence in Journalism, Professor
About: Dr. Janice Hume teaches media history, ethics & diversity, and media credibility. Her research concerns American journalism history, public memory and media coverage of death. View Curriculum Vitae Education […]
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Brown James
PhD student
Brown James is a third-year Ph.D. student and lecturer at Grady. Using primarily qualitative methods, his research focuses on the intersection of news media and the American political and legal […]
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Mark Johnson
Principal Lecturer
About: Mark E. Johnson teaches photojournalism, multimedia journalism, video journalism and graphic design courses, serves as the college’s Chief Technology Officer and is director of the National Press Photographers Association […]
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Andy Johnston
Editor in Residence
Johnston has covered sporting events on every level in his 33 years as a writer and editor for daily newspapers and websites. He was recognized as one of the country’s […]
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Lori Johnston
Lecturer; Director, Cox Institute Journalism Writing Lab
About: Lori Johnston teaches a variety of journalism classes, including reporting and writing across platforms, religion reporting, home and garden reporting, critical writing, feature writing and investigative reporting. View Curriculum Vitae […]
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Thomas E. Kadri
Assistant Professor, courtesy appointment from University of Georgia School of Law
Education Ph.D., Yale Law School J.D., University of Michigan Law School M.A., University of St. Andrews View Curriculum Vitae About Thomas E. Kadri joined the University of Georgia School of […]
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David Lawson
Lecturer, Sports Media
David Lawson in a lecturer at Grady College.
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Darryl Ledbetter
Part-time faculty
About:: His professional background includes work in both the print and broadcast media. He’s currently the award-winning Atlanta Falcons Beat Writer for The Atlanta Journal Constitution. He has appeared on […]
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Kyser Lough
Associate Professor
About: Dr. Lough studies visual communication and solutions journalism, with an emphasis on photojournalism. He teaches graduate-level visual communication method & theory, as well as undergraduate photography and journalism ethics […]
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Vicki Michaelis
John Huland Carmical Chair in Sports Journalism & Society
About: Vicki Michaelis is the director of the John Huland Carmical Sports Media Institute at UGA. She teaches classes in the institute’s undergraduate Sports Media Certificate program. View Curriculum Vitae […]
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Ramsey Nix
Part-time faculty
About: Part-time instructor Ramsey Nix previously worked as Assistant Professor of Mass Communications at Piedmont College, where she taught journalism courses and advised the student newspaper. Previously, she served as […]
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Jonathan Peters
Department Head, Associate Professor
ABOUT Dr. Jonathan Peters is the head of the Department of Journalism and holds a faculty appointment in the School of Law. He teaches and researches media law and policy. […]
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Ivanka Pjesivac
Director, James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research; Associate Professor
About: Dr. Pjesivac teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in digital storytelling, public opinion, and international communication. She studies international and cross-cultural communication, media trust and credibility, and effects of digital […]
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Chris Shumway
Senior Lecturer
About: Chris Shumway teaches classes in Video Journalism and manages Grady’s video production facilities, which include a digital newsroom, TV studio and field equipment supply room. View Curriculum Vitae Education […]
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Welch Suggs
Associate Professor
About: David Welch Suggs, Jr. is associate director of the Carmical Sports Media Institute and an associate professor of journalism. He has had previous careers as a journalist, as a policy […]
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Charlotte Norsworthy Varnum
Part-time Instructor; program coordinator, News Literacy Certificate
Charlotte Norsworthy Varnum (ABJ ’19, MA ’20) is a part-time instructor at Grady College and serves as program coordinator for the Cox Institute’s News Literacy Certificate. Varnum is also executive […]
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Ralitsa Vassileva
About: Ralitsa Vassileva teaches undergraduate Newsource and Multiplatform Newsroom Projects courses. Her Newsource class learns how to report, produce, and present newscasts that go live on local cable. Her Multiplatform […]
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Tudor Vlad
Executive Director of the Cox International Center, Senior Research Scientist
About: Dr. Vlad’s research focuses on media challenges in emerging democracies and impact of midcareer training programs for journalists. He conducted workshops for journalists around the world. Education Ph.D. Philology, […]
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Denetra Walker
Assistant Professor
About Dr. Walker’s teaching specialties focus on how social justice and race issues are covered in journalism. View Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Mass Communication, University of South Carolina M.A., Mass […]
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Bartosz Wojdynski
Jim Kennedy New Media Professor; Director of the Digital Media Attention and Cognition (DMAC) Lab; Associate Professor
About: Dr. Wojdynski teaches courses in multimedia journalism, interactive media, and psychological effects of communication technology. He researches the effects of design and presentation characteristics in digital media on attention, […]
Sports Media Certificate
The Carmical Sports Media Institute is home to the Sports Media Certificate, the most in-depth yet wide-ranging program of its kind.
The six-course certificate program uses hands-on experience to help students develop a variety of skills, including broadcasting (on-air and production) and creating social and digital sports content. The Sports Media Certificate is open to all UGA undergraduates, regardless of major or year in school.
Certificate students explore the societal impact of sports and sports media while gaining the multiplatform skills that give them a distinct job-market advantage in one of the media industry’s growth sectors.
The Sports Media Certificate debuted in 2014. Its graduates are working across the sports media industry, for networks such as ESPN, for professional and college teams, and for media outlets such as The Washington Post and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
For more information about the Sports Media Certificate and up-to-date information on how to apply for the program, please visit
Certificate in News Literacy
Clickbait. Deepfakes. Disinformation. Bias. Conspiracies. Hoaxes. The media, especially the news media, shapes what individuals know about their community and the world, and being literate about the information they receive is essential to making good decisions. There is no better time to learn how to navigate the news, as disinformation isn’t going anywhere. Our democratic society needs as many people as possible — citizens as much as journalists, educators, and other professionals — to wade into the digital world equipped with concepts and tools to help them recognize the difference between truth and falsehoods.
Above Grady’s door is the slogan, “Democracy’s Next Generation.” Key to this mission is the role of journalism. Grady’s journalism scholars study public opinion, journalism history, media law, media management and international journalism.
Research Spotlight
The Digital Media Attention and Cognition Lab
Founded in 2014, the Digital Media Attention and Cognition (DMAC) Lab is focused on studying how people view, understand, and form impressions of digital media. We are housed in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia.
Qualitative Research Lab
Founded in Spring 2022, the Qualitative Research Lab, directed by Dr. Karin Assmann, an assistant professor in the Journalism Department, has the software needed for students, both undergraduate and graduate, to conduct qualitative research, which involves analyzing texts, video and audio. Under Dr. Assmann, the lab also provides a space for student researchers to interact and brainstorm with their peers. The Qualitative research lab is located in room 252.
Journalism-Specific Study Abroad Opportunities
Learn the craft of travel reporting, with a special emphasis on photography. Visit historical sites and learn more about the significance of the Czech Republic and Central Europe.
Join us in May for an intensive, exhilarating and immersive experience in International Mass Communication taught in Croatia! Don’t speak the language? No problem. English fluency is widespread in Croatia.
Immerse yourself in an exciting travel writing course that focuses on subjects that you are most passionate about.
Learn More About Our Study Abroad Opportunities
Other graduates, drawing on the transferable skills and entrepreneurial mindset offered by a journalism degree, have gone on to work for the government, social media companies, book publishers, nonprofits and public relations agencies. Still others have gone on to law school or graduate school.
Journalism is more important than ever, and we are helping students to develop the knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking needed to serve the public interest.
Young Alumni on the Job
Grady Career Services
Grady College Career Services offers individual counseling sessions for students to discuss career options, job and internship search strategies, resumes and cover letters and interviewing skills. They also provide workshops on topics related to career planning and development.
Contact Director of Experiential Learning, Samantha Meyer, at (706) 542-5032 or, or Grady Career Consultant, Whitney Denney, at (706) 542-3375 or
As part of our experiential learning at Grady, students have the opportunity to earn academic credit while completing an internship. If you successfully complete all of the requirements of an approved internship while concurrently enrolled in JOUR 5010, you can earn up to three (3) college elective hours of credit.
For more assistance and guidance with internships, visit our Careers and Internships page.
Journalism Internships, Summer 2023
James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research
The James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research (Cox International Center or “Cox Center”) is one of the fully established units in the United States dedicated to international outreach and research in mass communication, media, and journalism. Named after the late James M. Cox, Jr. – chairman of the board of Cox Enterprises – the Cox International Center began operations in 1985. Since 1990, the Center has been supported by annual contributions of the Jim Cox Jr. Foundation of Atlanta as a living memorial to James M. Cox, Jr.
Cox Institute for Journalism, Innovation, Management & Leadership
The James M. Cox Jr. Institute for Journalism Innovation, Management and Leadership at the Grady College prepares students and professionals for leadership roles in the news media. By sponsoring intensive training programs and funding applied research, the Cox Institute is at the forefront of addressing the strategic challenges faced by contemporary news organizations.
John Huland Carmical Sports Media Institute
The Carmical Sports Media Institute gives UGA’s undergraduate Sports Media Certificate program a home base and a distinct brand. The institute provides the resources for student support and experiential-learning opportunities, on-campus programming, community outreach and industry networking.
Housed in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Carmical Sports Media Institute emphasizes foundational journalistic principles while helping students adapt and innovate as sports storytellers.
Special Initiatives
McGill Program For Journalistic Courage
For four decades, the McGill Lecture has brought significant figures in journalism to the University of Georgia to help us honor Ralph McGill’s courage as an editor. In 2007, we added the McGill Symposium, bringing together students, faculty and leading journalists to consider what journalistic courage means and how it is exemplified by reporters and editors. In 2009, we awarded the first McGill Medal to a U.S. journalist whose career has exemplified journalistic courage. All of this is for a single purpose: to advance journalistic courage.
Solutions Journalism of the South at the University of Georgia
That’s the mission and purpose of the Solutions Journalism Hub at the University of Georgia—to support storytelling that covers both the problems and the actions being taken to address them.
We are committed to advancing education, research and industry collaboration and innovation to improve the understanding and reach of solutions journalism, with a special focus on the southern United States.
National Press Photographers Association
As a leading institution in visual journalism education, Grady College is proud to be the home of the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) and the Best of Photojournalism Competition, which is judged each year within the college’s walls.
The Latest
Read the newest headlines, get updates and discover events happening at Grady.
Two Grady faculty members behind an award-winning wine podcast have released a new wine book
Wine Conversations: Exploring Meaning, Mystery and Myth was produced by Keith Herndon as author and interviewer along with Charlotte Varnum as editor. The compilation of 16 interviews with prominent wine […]
Peyton and Tyler Head: Bulldog sweethearts
When Peyton Head (AB ’19) attended freshman orientation, she remembers the presenter sharing a story about how he had found his Bulldog sweetheart and future wife on campus while he […]
Profiles of Tenacity: Nigel Whittington
Nigel Whittington is a fourth-year journalism major from Cartersville, GA set to graduate in May 2025. Along with his journalism degree, Whittington is pursuing a certificate in sports media. He […]
Adam Levin, Heather McDowell give new funding for Certificate in News Literacy
The University of Georgia’s Certificate in News Literacy has received a new seed gift to help fund the program’s expansion. Adam Levin and his wife Heather McDowell provided the new […]
Profiles of Tenacity: Adam Walters
Adam Walters is a fourth-year journalism major from Hartwell, GA set to graduate in May 2025. Walters is also pursuing a Sports Media Certificate and works as an intern for […]
The Oglethorpe Echo receives $50,000 JournalismAI and Google News Initiative grant
The Oglethorpe Echo, looking to innovate tangible pathways for AI integration and local journalism sustainability, has received a $50,000 JournalismAI grant. This grant, sponsored by the Google News Initiative, will enable […]
Students cover Paralympics as freelancers for Associated Press
A trip to Paris for many is a dream vacation. For a group of nine students and two professors from Grady College, their trip to Paris to cover the Paralympics […]
Kyser Lough named director of UGA’s Certificate in News Literacy
Kyser Lough, an associate professor of journalism at the University of Georgia’s Grady College, is joining the faculty of the Cox Institute for Journalism Innovation, Management and Leadership and will […]
Richard T. Griffiths establishes support fund for Student Innovation in Journalism
Richard T. Griffiths, formerly a news executive with CNN, has established a support fund for Grady College journalism students engaged in innovation projects. Students receiving the support will be known […]
Maye Primera and El Tímpano staff receive McCommons Award for Distinguished Community Journalism
Maye Primera and El Tímpano staff have been named the recipients of the 2022 Rollin M. “Pete” McCommons Award for Distinguished Community Journalism. The award recognizes the group for their […]
Students combat election misinformation at What the Hackathon
As the U.S. continues through another election cycle, University of Georgia students learned how to identify and combat election-related misinformation at the spring 2024 What the Hackathon. The event was […]
Journalism Innovation Lab team finishes third in national innovation competition
The Journalism Innovation Lab’s second student innovation team, from the University of Georgia’s Cox Institute of Innovation, Management and Leadership, finished in the top three teams in the nation in […]
Annual Woodall Weekend Workshop spotlights Wilkes County
Capturing the essence and personality of a community is the assignment of the Woodall Weekend Workshop each spring. This year, students participating in the 17th annual workshop traveled to Washington, […]
Herndon and Varnum Win Taste Awards
A podcast produced and co-hosted by two Grady College faculty members captured top honors in this year’s Taste Awards. “Wines We Drink,” a podcast created by Keith Herndon, professor of […]
Profiles of Tenacity: Owen Warden
Fourth-year journalism student Owen Warden is passionate about sports. He shares inspiring sports and athlete stories through The Red & Black, The Paul Finebaum Show and other news outlets. Why […]
2024 Levin Leaders recognized at Cox Institute Spring Leadership Dinner
The Cox Institute for Journalism Innovation, Management and Leadership presented the Institute’s Leadership Medal to its 2024 class of Levin Leaders. The Levin Leaders were selected for the program from faculty nominations […]
Sports Media senior Cassidy Hettesheimer wins top student paper award at international conference
Two years ago, Cassidy Hettesheimer was struck by the challenges female athletes in “adventure” sports faced in marketing themselves to fans and sponsors. At the time, the journalism major was […]
Jonathan Peters elected president of Georgia First Amendment Foundation
Jonathan Peters, the head of the Department of Journalism, has been elected president of the Georgia First Amendment Foundation, or GFAF, for 2024. “Free expression and information access are at […]
Negotiating Salary and Benefits
Join us on Monday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m. ET on Zoom to get advice and tips about negotiating salary and benefits in an ask me anything (AMA)-style panel. Come with questions – great for seniors entering these conversations or any students wondering how to approach these topics. Hear from these Grady College alumni and industry professionals:
- Savannah Levins (ABJ ’14), 3x Emmy and 2x Edward R Murrow Award winning Investigative Reporter, 11Alive News (NBC) Atlanta (moderator)
- Shari Hope (ABJ ’13), Sr. Manager, HR Enablement for Global Talent Organization at LinkedIn
- Austin Hope, People Partner, GSRS & Economics
- Daryan Rahimzadeh (AB ’12), Career Coach & Former Google Recruiter
Register here to attend:
PAW Coffee Bar
Grady students are welcome to enjoy a coffee bar presented by the Grady College Propelling Achievement for the Workplace (PAW) Program. Stop by the PAF starting at 9:30 a.m. for a treat and to learn about the program. (While supplies last)
Women in Media – A Seat at the Table 2025
UGA Women in Media hosts its Seat at the Table event. More information coming soon.
Dawg Day of Giving
For 24 hours, we’re #CallingAllDawgs to make a gift of any size to any area of UGA. The collective generosity of thousands of Bulldogs during Dawg Day of Giving supports scholarships and resources for students, enables innovative research, and helps the University of Georgia build a better tomorrow. For more information, please visit this site.
Cox Institute Dinner
This event is invite only. Location and other details will be provided on the invitation.
TEDxUGA 2025 – Destination
Our journeys are shaped by the people we meet and the places we explore. When we pursue new ideas, forge connections, and embrace new experiences, we deepen our understanding of one another and the world. The University of Georgia is a place where many paths cross for the first time, where ideas converge and new possibilities emerge. These moments of connection – on campus and beyond – remind us that the journey is as impactful as the destination. And now you’ve arrived at your next Destination: TEDxUGA 2025. For more information about the event, presenters, and more, please visit the 2025 event page. Learn more & Register:
You’ll never go anywhere if you don’t work to get involved. I’ve been blessed to have awesome classes and professors, but my experience working with The Red & Black, the Oglethorpe Echo, and job shadowing at 13WMAZ have been the most beneficial experiences for me. Just classes won’t get you to where you want to be, so look to achieve more than just that.
Owen Warden
AB ’24
“Without a doubt, my Grady coursework has helped me refine my journalistic abilities. In particular, my photojournalism classes have pushed me so much as a visual storyteller and documenter, and I feel more confident in my abilities to approach strangers and to tell a story through words, images or both.”
Skyli Alvarez
Journalism Student, Editorial Intern, Teen Vogue (Summer 2023)
“Grady allowed me to join a field with colleagues who have goals beyond themselves. I knew it would give me the leeway to find my passion and the opportunity to write with purpose.”
William Newlin
Journalism AB ‘21, MA ‘22
“I joined The Red & Black as soon as I arrived in Athens and realized how fulfilling and interesting journalism was. I want to tell stories that matter, and Grady has the classes and extracurricular opportunities to help me do that.”
Jacqueline GaNun
(AB ‘23)
“Before Grady, I did not know how to shoot video. I didn’t know how to white balance or frame a camera. I didn’t know where to find sources or how to find people. I’d never published a story before. Now, I shoot, write and edit all on my own.”
Sydney Hood
“The volunteer opportunities I’ve had as a Grady Newsource volunteer and manager and as a part of Professor Cantrell’s political show gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed to make an impact.”
Elizabeth Hunter
“My biggest accomplishment in the past year was definitely my contributions to Grady Newsource’s political show this fall. I am so thankful for the feedback and instruction I received during this time, and I am very proud of myself for putting in many hours of work to create multimedia projects.”
Jenna Monnin
“My digital design course I took this past spring has really helped me utilize my graphic design skills when creating presentations for my projects and making sure everything is visually compelling.”
Kacie Geter
“Having the privilege of getting to know the people of Oglethorpe County and being trusted to share their stories was one of the formative experiences of my time in Grady and I’m beyond grateful to have played a small part in the ever-growing success of The Echo.”
Katie Tucker
(AB ‘23)
“Grady classes helped me prepare for this internship by teaching me about target audiences, brand voices and social media analytics – all of which are critical for successful social media engagement.”
Kathryn Miller
(AB ‘22)
“Finding jobs is all in the way you market yourself. A willingness to learn and perseverance can take you lengths farther than hard skills.”
Blake Campbell
Journalism student, Integrated Media Planning Intern, TBWA/Media Arts Lab (Summer 2023)
Title Goes Here
Your media career starts here. Choose from four majors: Advertising, Entertainment and Media Studies, Journalism and Public Relations.