Low Residency Master of Fine Arts in Narrative Media Writing

Low Residency Master of Fine
Arts in Narrative Media Writing

Earn your Master of Fine Arts in Narrative Media Writing and write a publishable nonfiction manuscript or a marketable screenplay in two years. There are two tracks offered in our low-residency MFA program: Narrative Nonfiction and Screenwriting.

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Grady InternViews: Amanda Whylie

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their internship experience.   Amanda Whylie is a fourth-year entertainment & media studies student working at Omnicom […]

Headshot of Ruthann Lariscy over roses with "Remembering Ruthann Lariscy" title.

Remembering Ruthann Lariscy

Ruthann Lariscy was the type of friend who celebrated birthdays of colleagues deployed overseas by shipping them a party-in-a-box, complete with a birthday cake. She was the type of professor […]

Grady InternViews: Melanie Levi

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their internship experience.   Melanie Levi is a fourth-year journalism student working with Fox News Channel as […]

Grady InternViews: Noor Shaikhnag

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their internship experience.   Noor Shaikhnag is a fourth-year entertainment & media studies and communication studies student […]

Grady InternViews: Ryan Langner

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their internship experience.   Ryan Langner is a fourth-year advertising student working with Apple as a Partner […]

Giving Voice to the Voiceless 2024 Grants Announced header with photo of Grady College in background.

2024 Giving Voice to the Voiceless grants announced

Projects that use music to benefit dementia patients, help Atlanta public school students express their identities and provide an outlet to combat name-based discrimination in science are just a few […]

Hear tell Podcast

Listen to the narrative nonfiction podcast Hear-Tell which features writing from current low-residency MFA students, alumni, faculty and visiting lecturers.


“I am excited to be a part of a team of alumni, students, and faculty that want to keep talking about true stories and how we tell them.”

Josina Guess

(MFA ’23), about the Hear-Tell podcast


“This program changed the trajectory of my life, and it can do the same for others.”

Roz Bentley

(MFA ’17), graduate and Nonfiction mentor


“In each case, the mentors challenged me, forced me to ask questions about my writing that I haven’t thought about, and offered a different perspective based on life experience, based on background, based on their own paths as a writer.”

Matt Pearl

(MFA ’19), national correspondent, E.W. Scripps


“I get the biggest satisfaction working with the MFA students,” Hand continued. We are here to help create some really cool projects that hopefully will help someone go out into the marketplace or help them get their degrees to help with education.”

Hadji Hand

(ABJ ’98), screenwriting mentor


“As a filmmaker, I understood structure and the basics, but my mentors helped me elevate my understanding and execution for creating impactful stories. It’s a master class, not a basic class.”

Wendy Eley Jackson

(MFA ’19), founder and executive producer of Auburn Avenue Films


“I try to teach students sound screenplay structure and then push them to find their own voices within the structure and to come up with something unique and viable.”

Christine Swanson

screenwriting mentor


“The program exemplifies the difference between good teachers who can identify potential and great teachers who know how to pull that potential out of you for everything it’s worth.”

Brandon Fleming

(MFA ’21), author of “Miseducated: A Memoir”


“This program is refreshingly different than the typical MFA program. It’s a positive and supportive community where folks really look out for one another and contribute to their peers’ development throughout the program and beyond.”

KaToya Fleming

(MFA ’18), Lead Editor, Lookout Books


“I had vague ideas of what I would write but it wasn’t until I sat in my first MFA sessions that I realized how high the bar would be set, and how deeply I’d need to embed myself in a compelling story that only I could tell.”

Martin Padgett

(MFA ’18), author of “A Night at the Sweet Gum Head: Drag, Drugs, Disco, and Atlanta’s Gay Revolution”