Health and Risk Communication Archive

Assessing COVID-19 pandemic communication in China: What we know about the communication channels, sources of information, and key message retention

Abstract: This research presents the findings from a large-scale national online survey of Chinese citizens (N = 1,713) about their general knowledge of COVID-19 and the key communication channels that […]

Trusted sources of information, perceived quality in communication, and health knowledge retention: A national study of COVID-19 pandemic in China

Abstract: This research presents the findings from a large-scale national online survey of citizens in Mainland China about the perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the time of […]

Computer-tailored Intervention Increases Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Low-Income African Americans in Primary Care: Results of a Randomized Trial

Abstract: Background: African Americans have the highest colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality rates of any racial/ethnic group and screening rates remain well below the National Colorectal Cancer rountable screening […]

Exploring the Role of Social Support in Promoting Patient Participation in Health Care among Women with Breast Cancer

Abstract: Scholars have adopted Street’s (2003) ecological model of communication in medical encounters to investigate the factors promoting patient participation in health care. However, factors demonstrated in the ecological model […]

Effects of Facebook Comments on Attitude Toward Vaccines: The Roles of Perceived Distributions of Public Opinion and Perceived Vaccine Efficacy

Abstract: This study investigated if and how exposure to Facebook comments about vaccines influences one’s attitude toward the vaccines. In this investigation, comments were examined in light of their effect […]

Infectious Disease Risk (IDR) Perception and Prospective Tourists’ Travel Intention to a Mega-sport Event Host Country: The Mediating Role of Risk Information Seeking

Abstract: While risk perception has been the subject of many sport tourism studies, much remains to be linked with risk information seeking, travel-related response, and behavior in the sport tourism […]