Advertising & Public Relations Archive

Reducing native advertising deception: Revisiting the antecedents and consequences of persuasion knowledge in digital news contexts.

ABSTRACT: Building on the persuasion knowledge model, this study examines how audience characteristics and native advertising recognition influence the covert persuasion process. Among a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults […]

Using directional cues in immersive journalism: The impact on information processing, narrative transportation, presence, news attitudes, and credibility.

Abstract: This study examined the effects of the use of directional cues in immersive journalism on information recall, attitudes towards a news story, narrative transportation, presence, and message credibility by […]

Effects of Social Media Comments on Attitude toward Vaccines: The Roles of Perceived Public Consensus and Perceived Vaccine Efficacy.

Abstract: Recognizing that social media has become an important place for individuals to acquire vaccine-related information, this study investigated if and how user-generated comments on social media platforms influence individuals’ […]

Chinese Newspapers’ Coverage of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) from 2008 to 2018: A Content Analysis of News Framing and Portrayals of Health Risks and Stigma.

Abstract: As the first study of Chinese newspaper coverage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) over the past decade (2008-2018), this paper analyzed how different categories of Chinese newspaper media (Party press, […]

Effects of Social Media Comments on Attitude toward Vaccines: The Roles of Perceived Public Consensus and Perceived Vaccine Efficacy

Abstract: Recognizing that social media has become an important place for individuals to acquire vaccine-related information, this study investigated if and how exposure to user-generated comments in social media platforms […]