Journalism Archive

Judging photojournalism: The metajournalistic discourse of judges at the Best of Photojournalism and Pictures of the Year contests

(Forthcoming) Abstract: This study promotes how discussions during photojournalism award judging can be used as metajournalistic discourse to gain insight about the definition, boundaries and legitimization of the field. Journalism […]

Using directional cues in immersive journalism: The impact on information processing, narrative transportation, presence, news attitudes, and credibility.

Abstract: This study examined the effects of the use of directional cues in immersive journalism on information recall, attitudes towards a news story, narrative transportation, presence, and message credibility by […]

Boundary Production in Practice: Amateurs, Professionals, and Amateur Journalism in the 19th-Century United States.

Abstract: This paper investigates boundaries between professional from the amateur by investigating amateur journalism of the late 19th-Century United States. Amateur journalists wrote, typeset and printed journals of essays, commentary, […]