Communication education Archive
Management of Cybersecurity through Internal Communication
Abstract: Organizations increasingly experience threats to their organization’s cyber security such as data theft, manipulation, and fraud. As remote working becomes more common due to the Covid-19 pandemic, organizations have faced […]
The role of institutional environment in building communication professionals’ trust and satisfaction: A moderated multiple-mediation analysis.
Abstract: As an important group of internal stakeholders, communication professionals carry the responsibilities to communicate with multiple groups of audience and foster trusted and satisfied relationships, both internally and externally. […]
Book: The Changing Education for Journalism and the Communication Occupations: The Impact of Labor Markets
Lee Becker & Tudor Vlad, (2020), Dinamica educației pentru profesiile din jurnalism și comunicare. Impactul pieței forței de muncă, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Scoala Ardeleana Publishing House. It is the version in […]
Interactive infographics’ effect on elaboration in agricultural communication.
Abstract: In public health, politics, and advertising, interactive content spurred increased elaboration from audiences that were otherwise least likely to engage with a message. This study sought to examine interactivity […]
The Changing Education for Journalism and the Communication Occupations
Abstract: The book provides a unique perspective on journalism and communication education, drawing on extensive, detailed data across time to examine the evolution of education for journalism and related occupations […]