Advertising Archive

Promoting healthy eating: The intervening role of health and nutrition-related claims in food advertisements

P. Pan, M. Bhandari, & Juan Meng.(accepted, 2022). Promoting healthy eating: The intervening role of health and nutrition-related claims in food advertisements. Health Education Journal, forthcoming, OnlineFirst: Abstract: This study aimed to […]

Understanding Personalized Recruitment Ads’ Effectiveness: The Role of Personalization Type and Message Involvement

J. Pfiffelmann & Alexander Pfeuffer.(Forthcoming). Understanding Personalized Recruitment Ads’ Effectiveness: The Role of Personalization Type and Message Involvement. Journal of Interactive Advertising. Abstract: In response to the challenge of replacing retiring […]

Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness: Integrating Crisis Scholarship with Practice

Bryan Reber, Yan Jin, and Glen Nowak. (forthcoming). “Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness: Integrating Crisis Scholarship with Practice.” The Handbook of Crisis Communication (2nd edition) (Eds. W. T. Coombs and S. J. Holladay), Wiley-Blackwell.  Abstract: Reber, Jin, […]

The Evolution of the Advertising Discipline Through Four Decades: A Machine Learning Scope Analysis of Themes, Topics and Methods

Stafford, M., Itai Himelboim, Walter, D. & Ophir, Y. (Accepted). The Evolution of the Advertising Discipline Through Four Decades: A Machine Learning Scope Analysis of Themes, Topics and Methods. International Journal […]