Exploring the Effects of Ad-Task Relevance and Ad Salience on Ad Avoidance: The Moderating Role of Internet Use Motivation

Exploring the Effects of Ad-Task Relevance and Ad Salience on Ad Avoidance: The Moderating Role of Internet Use Motivation

Abstract: This study explores the effects of ad-task relevance and ad salience on ad avoidance. Through structural equation modeling (N = 555), significant effects of ad-task relevance and ad salience on ad avoidance were found, and these relationships were mediated by ad engagement and perceived goal impediment. This study also found that Internet use motivation moderated the overall relationships of a proposed construct. The results show that ad-task relevance had more influence on ad avoidance in the information-seeking motivation, while ad salience was the stronger driver of ad avoidance in the entertainment-seeking motivation. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

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