Annual Conference of the International Communication Association
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association
Grady faculty and graduate student presentations and involvement at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Toronto, Canada, included:
- Charlotte Varnum did a pre-conference presentation on, “Eyes and ears: Examining how mobile users navigate and make listening decisions on podcast platforms.”
- Yan Jin served as chair and a discussant for a panel “Leading Strategic Communication Through Turbulent Times: How the Contingency Theory Advances Practice in the Management of Crises, Conflicts and Complex Public Relations Issues.”
- Juan Meng chaired the panel on “Innovation in Strategic Communication Research and Education.”
- Juan Meng and Michael Cacciatore co-presented the paper “The Integrated Role of Adaptive Leadership, Sense of Empathy, and Communication Transparency: A Novel Approach to Trust Building in Public Relations.”
- Yan Jin co-presented “Public’s Health Information Consumption During a ProlongedPandemic: The Competing Roles of Journalists and Digital Influencers and Their Effects in Combating Message Fatigue.” (
- Yan Jin chaired a session on “Addressing Misinformation and Benefits of Information,” and also presented with Xuerong Lu, a graduate student, on “There is a time for everything in organizational corrective communication: The effects of correction placement timing and refutation detail level on combating crisis misinformation.”
- Michael Cacciatore co-presented the research, “Legitimate and appropriate science communication: The effects of anthropomorphic and satirical humor on source credibility.”
- Michael Cacciatore presented the research, “Cultivating interest in science through humor: Mirth as a leveler of gaps in science engagement.”
- Juan Meng chaired the session, “Ethics, Listening, Purpose, and Dissensus: Various Applications of Public Relations.”
- Hye Jin Yoon and Youngji Seo, a graduate student, presented their paper “The Individual/Combined Effects and Order Effects of Fear and Humor in Sun Safety Messages on Social Media.”
- Laurena Bernabo presented research on “Race, Representation and Identity.”
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