Journalism Archive

East and West German women journalists in leadership: Perceptions of working conditions and professional practices

Eckert, S. & Karin Assmann (Sept. 22). “East and West German women journalists in leadership: Perceptions of working conditions and professional practices,” Research Colloquium Series. Department of Communication. Wayne State University.

Misinformation or hard to tell? An eye-tracking study to investigate the effects of food crisis misinformation on social media engagement

Lee, Y.I., Mu, D., Hsu, Y-C., Bart Wojdynski, Matt Binford (current Ph.D. candidate) & Sun, S. (2023, August). “Misinformation or hard to tell? An eye-tracking study to investigate the effects of food crisis […]

How to avoid the greenwashing trap: A smartphone eye-tracking examination of CSR appeals and image framing on greenwashing perceptions and visual attention

Seo, Y., Sun, S., Bart Wojdynski & Jeff Duncan (current Ph.D. student) (2023, August). “How to avoid the greenwashing trap: A smartphone eye-tracking examination of CSR appeals and image framing on greenwashing perceptions […]