How to avoid the greenwashing trap: A smartphone eye-tracking examination of CSR appeals and image framing on greenwashing perceptions and visual attention
How to avoid the greenwashing trap: A smartphone eye-tracking examination of CSR appeals and image framing on greenwashing perceptions and visual attention
Seo, Y., Sun, S., Bart Wojdynski & Jeff Duncan (current Ph.D. student) (2023, August). “How to avoid the greenwashing trap: A smartphone eye-tracking examination of CSR appeals and image framing on greenwashing perceptions and visual attention.” Paper accepted for presentation at the 106th Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.
Abstract: We conducted 2 (CSR appeals: donation vs. discount) by 2 (Image framing: product vs. environment) between-subjects eye-tracking experiment with repetitive measures of product brands. The results indicated that when an environment CSR featured product images with donation appeal, consumers had a greater greenwashing perception toward the brand. On the other hand, when an environment CSR featured environment images with discount appeal, consumers showed a greater greenwashing perception toward the brand. The research also showed the mediating role of perceived greenwashing between CSR appeal and image framing and purchase intention. Implications for advertising theory and practice are further discussed.
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