Effective and Ethical Team Management of Sticky Crisis Communication Challenges

Effective and Ethical Team Management of Sticky Crisis Communication Challenges

Book Description: The purpose of this book is to provide insights into effective and ethical management of “sticky crises” (i.e., industry-wide crisis issues that are complex and challenging, with and has a high probability of recurrence) (Jin, Reber & Nowak, 2021) from the perspectives of competing (sometimes conflicting) values, evolving practitioner roles, and emerging business trends and stakeholder expectations. Crisis and conflict theory and practice are integrated throughout the book, assessing eight types of sticky crisis challenges (i.e., sustainability, gender issues, misinformation, data mishaps, data security, DEI, and health issues) and providing theory-driven, evidence-based roadmaps for communications teams as they lead their organizations’ sticky crisis navigations. This book offers chief communication officers (CCOs), public relations executives, and their communication teams a unique resource to dive into understanding the roots, characteristics, and impacts of complex and challenging crisis issues that confront not only one organization but also an entire industry and cross sectors. The theory-driven insights and hands-on approaches recommended by this book will equip executives and their organizations with a better understanding of and more efficient preparedness for sticky crises.

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