Blog Archive

2021 in Review: College News

Editor’s Note: This is part of our  five-part series highlighting stories produced by Grady College in 2021. The features includes three stories in each of the following subjects: Student Successes Faculty Honors College Headlines Research & Grants Service & Partnerships This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but instead highlight a sample of […]

Omar Jimenez awarded 2021 McGill Medal for Journalistic Courage

Omar Jimenez, a CNN correspondent based in Chicago, will receive the 2021 McGill Medal for Journalistic Courage awarded by the University of Georgia Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. Jimenez and his crew showed courage in their reporting mission when they were arrested during the protests following the murder of George Floyd in 2020. […]

Words matter most when responding to a crisis

When responding to crisis situations, what is said matters more than nonverbal cues, according to new research by the University of Georgia Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. The study, “(In)Sincere Demeanor and (In)Sincere Language in Crisis Communication,” evaluated the perceived sincerity of messages during a crisis, examining company spokespersons’ use of language and non-verbal […]

Taylor Potter (AB ’21) wins Vincent Wasilewski Award from Broadcast Education Association

Learning how to write in a variety of styles has long been a priority for Taylor Potter (AB ’21). She knows it is her path to her dream career. Potter graduated this year with undergraduate degrees in Entertainment and Media Studies from Grady College and Film Studies from Franklin College. She also completed the interdisciplinary […]

Alise Crittendon named AAF Most Promising Multicultural Student

Alise Crittendon, an advertising student from Mableton, Ga., has been selected to the American Advertising Federation (AAF) 2022 class of Most Promising Multicultural Students. “This is one of the biggest honors I’ve received thus far because it represents everything I have been striving for: increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in the media industry,” said Crittendon. […]