Integrating Strategy and Dosage: A New Conceptual Formula for Assessing Intended and Unintended Effects of Health Risk Communication

Integrating Strategy and Dosage: A New Conceptual Formula for Assessing Intended and Unintended Effects of Health Risk Communication

Accepted for presentation at the International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference (ICRCC), March 9-11, 2020, Orlando, FL.

Abstract: How to detect side effects of repeated exposure of the same or similar campaign messages over time on at-risk publics has emerged as a critical research question currently understudied. By formulating a new way of assessing health risk communication effect via the chemical analogy of 1) concentration (i.e., strategy) and 2) dosage (Johnson, 2008), our conceptual model provides a foundation for understanding how both strategy and dosage of a health message can exert (un)intended effects among at-risk publics.

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