Immersive journalism and emerging news values of emotional objectivity and subjective accuracy: Between effects and norms
Immersive journalism and emerging news values of emotional objectivity and subjective accuracy: Between effects and norms
Ivanka Pjesivac & Andrea Hudson (2024). “Immersive journalism and emerging news values of emotional objectivity and subjective accuracy: Between effects and norms,” in Dodds, T. (Ed.). Immersive Journalism: Virtual reality and the future of the news industry (pp. 39-56). New York: Lexington Books.
Abstract: This book chapter critically examines the existing literature on immersive journalism and normative journalistic values, including objectivity and accuracy, while positioning them in the context of immersive journalism's cognitive and emotional effects on audiences. By doing so, it contributes to furthering traditional normative theories of the press by proposing new directions for the redefinition of the values of objectivity and accuracy from uses and gratifications perspectives and adopting their essential meanings to immersive environments.
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