Ph.D. Degree Program Archive

Think Before You Share: Beliefs and Emotions that Shaped COVID-19 (Mis)information Vetting and Sharing Intentions among WhatsApp Users in the United Kingdom

Abstract: This study examined how individuals’ emotional and cognitive responses to different shades of truth embedded in health crisis (mis)information (i.e., full falsity vs. partial falsity vs. full truth) might […]

The impacts of ad skip option and ad time display on viewer response to in-stream video ads: the role of perceived control and reactance

Abstract: The primary purpose of the current study is to examine how the presence of two digital ad features—an ad skip option and ad time display, representing behavioral and cognitive control […]

What Drives a Tough Call: Determining the Importance of Contingency Factors and Individual Characteristics in Communication Executives’ Stance Decision-Making through a Conjoint Analysis

Abstract: To further the understanding of how communication executives make tough calls in times of organizational-public conflict, we use a conjoint analysis to identify key drivers for organizational stance decision-making. […]