news media Archive

Making nuance noticeable: Efficacy of intersectional representations on US immigration attitudes in news media exemplars

Partain, L., & Read, G. L.  “Making nuance noticeable: Efficacy of intersectional representations on US immigration attitudes in news media exemplars,” paper to be presented at International Communication Association. Toronto, Canada. […]

Violent Incongruencies: Analyzing The New York Times’s Discourse on George Floyd Demonstrations and the Capitol Riot

Brown James (Ph.D. student), “Violent Incongruencies: Analyzing The New York Times’s Discourse on George Floyd Demonstrations and the Capitol Riot,” paper to be presented AEJMC Southeastern Colloquium, Middle Tennessee State […]

Science, God, and Nature: A Textual and Frequency Analysis of Public Facebook Comments on News Articles about Agricultural and Environmental Gene Editing

Abstract: Gene editing is an emerging biotechnology that holds the potential to address some of the most pressing agricultural and environmental challenges. In order to understand public conceptions of gene […]