Social Media Archive
Changing attitudes on social media: Effects of fear and information in green advertising on non-green consumers
Abstract: How can green advertising get non-green consumers to think more about the environment? Using Elaboration Likelihood Model and Social Judgement Theory, we construct hypotheses and test them across three […]
Intergroup Contact, COVID-19 News Consumption, and the Moderating Role of Digital Media Trust on Prejudice toward Asians in the U.S.: A Cross-Sectional Study
Abstract: Background: The perceived threat of a highly contagious virus may lead people to be distrustful of immigrants and outgroups. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the salient politicized discourses of blaming […]
“I probably just skipped over it:” Using eye tracking to examine political Facebook advertising effectiveness –and avoidance
Abstract: Social media political advertising has, in recent years, been the target of a lot of interest and scrutiny from the public, scholars, and even the social media platforms themselves. […]
Comparing Expectancy Violations Committed by Influencer Advertising Sources on Social Media
Marilyn Primovic and Dr. Joe Phua, Comparing Expectancy Violations Committed by Influencer Advertising Sources on Social Media. To be presented virtually at the AEJMC 103rd Annual Conference in August, 2020. […]
Information Vetting as a Key Component in Social-Mediated Crisis Communication: An Exploratory Study to Examine the Initial conceptualization
Abstract: In order to understand publics’ crisis information consumption in an increasingly competitive and conflicting media environment, this study addresses how and why individuals vet information (or not) in social-mediated […]
Pro-Veganism on Instagram: Effects of User-Generated Content (UGC) Types and Content Generator Types in Instagram-Based Health Marketing Communication about Veganism
Abstract: Through two experiments, this study assessed source and message effects of Instagram-based pro-veganism messages. Experiment 1 (N = 294) examined effects of organization (brand versus non-profit) and message types […]
The Strategic Role of Visuals and Cultural Appeals in Help-Support Campaigns: Engaging Chinese Immigrants in Depression Communication on Social Media
Accepted for presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Health Communication Division, May 21-25, 2020, Gold Coast, Australia. Abstract: This study investigated the effect of different framing, visual, and […]
The Effects of User Comment Valence of Social Media Health Campaigns on Intention to Vaccinate: The Role of Psychological Reactance
Paper to be presented to American Advertising Academy (AAA) conference, San Diego, CA. Abstract: Given the prevalent use of social media in disseminating public service announcements (PSAs) encouraging healthy behavior, […]
Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness: Integrating Crisis Communication and Social Media Scholarship with Practice
Accepted for presentation at the International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference (ICRCC), March 9-11, 2020, Orlando, FL. Abstract: Social media have become dominant channels for organizations and citizens to share […]
Book Contract – Social Media and Crisis Communication (Second Edition)
Lucinda Austin and Yan Jin (Eds.) (Forthcoming in 2021). Social Media and Crisis Communication (Second Edition), Routledge.