news media Archive
Whistleblowers and their faith in journalism
Karin Assmann. “Whistleblowers and their faith in journalism” has been published (online first) in Journalism Practice and was featured in Mark Coddington and Seth Lewis’ column RQ1 and in the Nieman Lab newsletter. Abstract: […]
Making nuance noticeable: Efficacy of intersectional representations on US immigration attitudes in news media exemplars
Partain, L., & Read, G. L. “Making nuance noticeable: Efficacy of intersectional representations on US immigration attitudes in news media exemplars,” paper to be presented at International Communication Association. Toronto, Canada. […]
Violent Incongruencies: Analyzing The New York Times’s Discourse on George Floyd Demonstrations and the Capitol Riot
Brown James (Ph.D. student), “Violent Incongruencies: Analyzing The New York Times’s Discourse on George Floyd Demonstrations and the Capitol Riot,” paper to be presented AEJMC Southeastern Colloquium, Middle Tennessee State […]
Whistleblowers and their faith in journalism: The (d)evolution of trust among the sources that journalists need most
Abstract: Using in-depth interviews conducted with 12 U.S. whistleblowers who contacted the press in the 1970s through the 2010s, this paper examines changing perceptions of the news media and journalists […]
Telling the Tale: The Role of Narratives in Helping People Respond to Crises.
Brooke Liu, Lucinda Austin, Yen-I Lee, Yan Jin, and Seoyeon Kim. (Forthcoming). “Telling the Tale: The Role of Narratives in Helping People Respond to Crises.” Journal of Applied Communication Research. […]
Lügenpresse: The lying press and German journalists’ responses to a stigma.
Abstract: The term Lügenpresse, ‘lying press’, was used by the German National Socialist Party before and during the Third Reich to discredit the news media and to undermine public trust. […]
Science, God, and Nature: A Textual and Frequency Analysis of Public Facebook Comments on News Articles about Agricultural and Environmental Gene Editing
Abstract: Gene editing is an emerging biotechnology that holds the potential to address some of the most pressing agricultural and environmental challenges. In order to understand public conceptions of gene […]
Image Repair in the Aftermath of Inaccurate Polling: How the News Media Responded to Getting It Wrong in 1948 and 2016
Abstract: The US presidential elections of 1948 and 2016 produced surprise outcomes when the predicted winners ended up losing the election. Using image repair theory, this article explains the strategies […]
Media Science and Practice
Abstract: Given their influence and visibility, understanding how news media cover topics involving medicines and how they provide information to their target audiences is essential when it comes to medicinal […]
Otherization of Africa: How American media framed people with HIV/AIDS in Africa from 1987 to 2017.
Abstract: This study examined otherization framing of people living with HIV/AIDS in Africa in American print news from 1987-2007. The results of a content analysis of a representative sample of […]