ethical challenges Archive

Ethical challenges in an evolving digital communication era: Coping resources and ethical trainings in corporate communications

Juan Meng, Solyee Kim, and Bryan H. Reber. “Ethical challenges in an evolving digital communication era: Coping resources and ethical trainings in corporate communications,” Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 2022, […]

Ethical challenges in an evolving digital communication era: Coping resources and ethical trainings in corporate communications

Abstract: This study investigated the ethical challenges facing public relations professionals in today’s digital communication environment. Our research found nearly 60% of surveyed professionals reported that they faced ethical challenges […]

Ethical challenges of digital communication in public relations: A comparative study of individual, organizational, and national factors in 52 countries

Abstract: Digital communication enables PR professionals to analyze audiences using their personal data, or to distribute messages via paid channels. Although effective, these practices are often assessed critically from an ethical […]