Health and Risk Communication Archive
Vaccines, Vaccine Acceptance, and Vaccine Communications,
Virtual Risks that Change Physical Behaviors
Abstract: Risk perception stands at the core of many health and environmental behavior theories because of its strong correlation to behavior change. However, individuals are motivated to place psychological distances […]
Infectious Disease Risk Communication
Abstract: In the past 18 months, little known infectious diseases – Ebola, Dengue fever, and Zika — have infected Americans and quickly generated much national and local media and public […]
Parents’ Confidence in Recommended Childhood Vaccinations
Abstract: There has been significant and growing interest in vaccine hesitancy and confidence in the United States as well as across the globe. While studies have used confidence measures, few […]
Getting the ‘Picture’ Out about Zika
Abstract: Using a 2 (gain vs. loss message framing) x 2 (photo vs. infographic image type) x 3 (government vs. media vs. peer source)between-subjects experiment with a representative sample of […]
Strategies to Increase Vaccine Acceptance and Uptake
HPV Immunization
Link to presentation slides:
Vaccine Hesitancy and Confidence
The Spread of Zika Twitter Conversation
Presentation Slides:
Emerging sources of scientific information
Abstract: Scientific and technological innovations touch every corner of American life. By informing the economy, health and medicine, national resources and their use, scientific information deeply influences the choices made by […]