Consumer behavior Archive

Exploring Brand Humanization on SNSs: Brand Personality and Its Influence on Brand Partner Quality, Brand Attitude, and Consumer Behavioral Engagement

Eun Sook Kwon (Grady PhD Alum)and Jooyoung Kim (Forthcoming). Exploring Brand Humanization on SNSs: Brand Personality and Its Influence on Brand Partner Quality, Brand Attitude, and Consumer Behavioral Engagement. International […]

The role of social categorization of models on visual attention to features of print advertisements. International Communication Association

Abstract: Recent trends in consumer behavior have resulted in brands’ use of models in ads that challenge essentialized social categories (e.g., racially ambiguous) to appeal to socially-conscious consumers. Although industry […]

Effects of Social Identity and Schadenfreude on Attitude toward Brand Sponsoring an Instant Replay Review: The Moderating Role of Rivalry and Suspense

Abstract: Used during sport games to guard against incorrect calls by referees, instant replay review has provided sponsoring brands an additional advertising opportunity. Although instant replay video (IRV) encourages sport […]