Consumer behavior Archive

Does congruency matter for online green demarketing campaigns? Examining the effects of retargeting display ads embedded in different browsing contexts

Hye Jin Yoon, Yoon-Joo Lee, Shuoya Sun (PhD alum), and Jinho Joo (forthcoming), “Does congruency matter for online green demarketing campaigns? Examining the effects of retargeting display ads embedded in […]

How Disclosure Source and Content-Publication Fit Impact Consumers’ Recognition and Evaluation of Native E-Cigarette Public Service Announcements

Abstract: Given the increasing amount of public and government related attention devoted to issues surrounding e-cigarette use, the current study examined how disclosure source and content-publication fit in an ENDS […]

What Drives Loyal Fans of Brand Pages to take Action? The Effects of Self-Expansion and Flow on Loyal Page Fans’ Sharing and Creation Activities

Abstract: Consumer-driven sharing and creation activities are valuable engagement activities as they help spread awareness and interaction for brands on social media. Loyal fans of brand pages are an important […]

The More You Win, The Less You Believe? An Examination of the Moderating Effect of Team Performance on Attitude Toward Message of Sport Fan’s Superstitions

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to revisit the Bud Light “Superstitions” campaign, for which we examined how superstitious fans’ inferences of manipulative intention might influence their responses to […]