Consumer Attitudes Archive

Promoting healthy eating: The intervening role of health and nutrition-related claims in food advertisements

P. Pan, M. Bhandari, & Juan Meng.(accepted, 2022). Promoting healthy eating: The intervening role of health and nutrition-related claims in food advertisements. Health Education Journal, forthcoming, OnlineFirst: Abstract: This study aimed to […]

The More You Win, The Less You Believe? An Examination of the Moderating Effect of Team Performance on Attitude Toward Message of Sport Fan’s Superstitions

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to revisit the Bud Light “Superstitions” campaign, for which we examined how superstitious fans’ inferences of manipulative intention might influence their responses to […]

Encouraging Energy Saving through Facebook: Effect of Message Concreteness and Message Sender Distance on Consumer Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions.

Accepted for presentation at the 2020 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, March 2020, San Diego, CA. Abstract: This study examined effects of match versus mismatch of message concreteness […]