The Quest for Crisis Management Keystone: Reflections on the Future of Risk, Crisis and Disaster Research and Practice
The Quest for Crisis Management Keystone: Reflections on the Future of Risk, Crisis and Disaster Research and Practice
Yan Jin (in press).“The Quest for Crisis Management Keystone: Reflections on the Future of Risk, Crisis and Disaster Research and Practice,” in European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) 2023 Congress Book, How Organizations Communicate and Interact with Their Stakeholders in Uncertain Times [Volume 7 in “Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management” Book Series]. Emerald.
Abstract: This concluding chapter provides key takeaways from the insights and recommendations that emerged from the current EUPRERA volume with a focus on crises and issues. Reflections are made with an emphasis on the understanding of sticky crisis, the embodiment of challenging, complex, and recurring critical risks that threaten organizational wellbeing and stakeholder safety across sectors and cultures. A call for more interdisciplinary and international collaborations between academia and industry is made. Future directions of crisis, risk, and disaster communication research that matter to practice are discussed.
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