Other Notables
Other Notables
Andy Kavoori has been selected for a Fulbright award. He will serve as the Garcia-Robles-Fulbright Distinguished Chair in U.S. Studies at the Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico for the Spring 2020 academic term. He will teach courses on American Media, Culture and Politics, plus conduct ethnographic research on Son Jarocho, a regional and diasporic entertainment media form.
Taylor Cole Miller (Assistant Professor, Entertainment and Media Studies) will be the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts and UGA nominee for a Whiting Public Engagement Fellowship from the Whiting Foundation (https://www.whiting.org/). This is a national and very prestigious competition. The Whiting Public Engagement Fellowship celebrates and supports faculty in the humanities who embrace public engagement as part of the scholarly vocation. Each Fellow receives $50,000 to pursue a public-facing project.
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BUFFALO KIDSNeil Landau’s most recent animated feature film BUFFALO KIDS was nominated for a Gaudi Award in Spain.