I Don’t Like the Ad Sponsoring My Pain: The Gluckschmerz Effects of Instant Replay Video Review on Sponsoring Ad and Brand
I Don’t Like the Ad Sponsoring My Pain: The Gluckschmerz Effects of Instant Replay Video Review on Sponsoring Ad and Brand
Jaemin Kim, Jongwha Kim, and Jooyoung Kim. "I Don’t Like the Ad Sponsoring My Pain: The Gluckschmerz Effects of Instant Replay Video Review on Sponsoring Ad and Brand." Accepted to present at the American Academy of Advertising's (AAA) Annual Conference, Portland, OR, March 2024.
Abstract: This study examines the role of gluckschmerz, a displeasing emotion caused by an event that is desirable for someone else, in advertising processing during sports game spectating. Results from a survey of N=164 college students using the media context of instant replay video (IRV) during college football game situations supported the proposed model, which shows that hostility fully mediates the malicious envy's effect on gluckschmerz, which in turn affects Aad-IRV and Ab-IRV. The results further demonstrated that the strength of gluckschmerz was not significantly varied depending on the level of rivalry, suspense, and social rank, which were manipulated in the experiments. The insights from this study shed light on how opposite directional social emotions such as gluckschmerz construe the outcomes of sports sponsorship, which will be useful for both the media industry and sponsoring brands.
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