Can I Become a Professional Screenwriter Outside of Los Angles
Can I Become a Professional Screenwriter Outside of Los Angles
Nate Kohn will be moderating a panel of “Can I Become a Professional Screenwriter Outside of Los Angles”” at the April, 2023 conference of the Broadcast Education Association. The panel includes Constance Burge and Ramin Serry who have taught at the University of Georgia along with Taylor Potter, a second-year student in UGA’s Low-Res Screenwriting Program and Wendy Eley Jackson, a 2018 graduate of UGA’s Low-Res Screenwriting Program.
Description: Through the lens of UGA’s Low-Residency MFA program, our panel seeks to inform attendees of how they can hone their craft and grow their professional connections from where they currently are. High tuition rates, relocation costs and room and board expenses bar many people from attending graduate school. The low-residency model turns those obstacles into an opportunity for educational success. This panel will discuss the benefits of attending a low-res MFA screenwriting program and how the design of such a program invites a natural diversity among students and affords a sense of inclusion to isolated screenwriters across the country.
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