Affordable Learning Georgia Pilot Grant for Developing an Open-Licensed Historical Game, $9,000. Game title: Justice in Georgia: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Memory of Leo Frank.
Affordable Learning Georgia Pilot Grant for Developing an Open-Licensed Historical Game, $9,000. Game title: Justice in Georgia: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Memory of Leo Frank.
Abstract: The game will take place in two parts, in 1915 and 1986, in the aftermath of two of the most notorious crimes in Georgia history, the murder of 13-year-old child laborer Mary Phagan and the lynching of Leo Frank, the Jewish factory supervisor convicted of her murder. Players will consider the appeal in 1915 of Frank’s murder conviction and the 1986 question of whether to posthumously pardon him. In addition to the legal and political questions, journalistic norms and ethics in both time periods will be considered as players determine editorial positions in national and local newspapers.
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