Advertising & Public Relations Archive

How spokespeople help or hurt business through crisis messaging: Experiments testing the roles of narratives, non-narratives, and counterargument

David Clementson & Page, T. G. (in press). “How spokespeople help or hurt business through crisis messaging: Experiments testing the roles of narratives, non-narratives, and counterargument.” Corporate Communications: An International Journal. doi:10.1108/CCIJ-10-2022-0133 Abstract:  […]

How intense language hurts a politician’s trustworthiness: Voter norms of a political debate via Language Expectancy Theory

Clementson, D. E., Zhao, W. (AdPR Ph.D. student), & Park, S. (AdPR Ph.D. student). (in  press). “How intense language hurts a politician’s trustworthiness: Voter norms of a political debate via Language Expectancy Theory.” Journal of Language and Social […]

Social Identity Signaling in Public Relations: Job Pursuit Intention among Students with Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Identities and Queer Identities

Solyee Kim (Forthcoming). “Social Identity Signaling in Public Relations: Job Pursuit Intention among Students with Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Identities and Queer Identities,” Journal of Public Relations Research. Special Issue on DEI

The persuasive effects of social media narrative PSAs on COVID-19 vaccination intention among unvaccinated young adults: the mediating role of empathy and psychological reactance

Youngjee Ko (PhD candidate), Hanyoung Kim (PhD alum), Youngji Seo (PhD alum), Jeong-Yeob Han, Hye Jin Yoon, Jongmin Lee (PhD student) & Ja Kyung Seo (PhD student) (2023). “The persuasive effects of social media narrative PSAs on COVID-19 vaccination intention among […]

AI-driven Disinformation: A Framework for Organizational Preparation and Response

Elise Karinshak (undergraduate alum) and Yan Jin. (Forthcoming). “AI-driven Disinformation: A Framework for Organizational Preparation and Response“.  Journal of Communication Management. Abstract: Disinformation, false information designed with the intention to mislead, can significantly damage […]

Effects of Risk Disclosure and Call to Action on Young Adults’ Responses to Dietary Supplement Advertising

Wenqing Zhao (PhD student), Yan Jin, and Elise Karinshak (undergraduate alum). (Forthcoming). “Effects of Risk Disclosure and Call to Action on Young Adults’ Responses to Dietary Supplement Advertising”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. […]