Advertising & Public Relations Archive

The role of social categorization of models on visual attention to features of print advertisements. International Communication Association

Abstract: Recent trends in consumer behavior have resulted in brands’ use of models in ads that challenge essentialized social categories (e.g., racially ambiguous) to appeal to socially-conscious consumers. Although industry […]

Book Contract: Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness: Integrating Public Relations Scholarship with Practice

Abstract:: Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness shows how crisis communication plans and efforts for complex and challenging issues benefit when academic perspectives are connected with practitioner experiences. This book brings crisis […]

Mates or married? Implications of gender composition and physical intimacy on evaluation of images tested for advertising

Abstract: Drawing upon the theoretical framework of social identity theory and literature on physical intimacy, consumer neuroscience, and social cognitive and affective neuroscience, responses to images featuring same-gender and other-gender […]

Can we prime users to verify information? A study of visual attention to page cues and information search in response to online misinformation styled as news.

ABSTRACT: Misinformation that borrows from the design conventions of online news, often called simply “fake news,” is intentionally misleading and deceptive information packaged and disseminated in such a way that […]