Public Relations Archive

Social Identity Signaling in Public Relations: Job Pursuit Intention among Students with Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Identities and Queer Identities

Solyee Kim (Forthcoming). “Social Identity Signaling in Public Relations: Job Pursuit Intention among Students with Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Identities and Queer Identities,” Journal of Public Relations Research. Special Issue on DEI

The integrated role of adaptive leadership, sense of empathy, and communication transparency: A novel approach to trust building in public relations

Juan Meng, Pan, P., & Michael A. Cacciatore (2023). “The integrated role of adaptive leadership, sense of empathy, and communication transparency: A novel approach to trust building in public relations.” […]

Diversifying gender equity in leadership in public relations: The role of mentoring and instrumental support at the organizational level

Juan Meng & Neill, M. S. (2023). “Diversifying gender equity in leadership in public relations: The role of mentoring and instrumental support at the organizational level.” Corporate Communications: An International […]

Leading Strategic Communication through Turbulent Times: How the Contingency Theory Advances Practice in the Management of Crises, Conflicts and Complex Public Relations Issues

Yan Jin and Augustine Pang [Chairs] (2023, May). Panel: “Leading Strategic Communication through Turbulent Times: How the Contingency Theory Advances Practice in the Management of Crises, Conflicts and Complex Public Relations […]

There Is a Time for Everything in Organizational Corrective Communication: The Effects of Correction Placement Timing and Refutation Detail Level on Combating Crisis Misinformation

Xuerong Lu (PhD alum) and Yan Jin (2023, May). “There Is a Time for Everything in Organizational Corrective Communication: The Effects of Correction Placement Timing and Refutation Detail Level on Combating Crisis Misinformation.” […]

The impact of crucible experiences in developing public relations’ character and competencies as servant leaders

M.S. Neill & Juan Meng. (2022). The impact of crucible experiences in developing public relations’ character and competencies as servant leaders. Journal of Media Ethics, 37(3), 208-222. Abstract: Crucible experiences are essential […]