covert advertising recognition Archive
Changing the game: The effects of cognitive load and brand prominence on covert advertising recognition
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of advertising format and cognitive load in shaping the effect of covert advertisements on participants advertising recognition and outcomes. […]
Changing the game: The effects of cognitive load and brand prominence on covert advertising recognition.
ABSTRACT: The present study (N=82) employed a 2 (advertisement format: advergame vs. video commercial) x 2 (brand prominence: low (Asus) vs. high (KFC)) between-subjects factorial experiment to investigate the effect […]
“Changing the Game: The Effects of Cognitive Load and Brand Prominence on Covert Advertising Recognition.”
Abstract: This study first investigated the effect of advertising format (advergames vs online video commercials) on consumers’ ability to recognize advertising. Second, we tested how advertising format differentially impacted consumers’ […]