Consumer attitudes Archive

Promoting healthy eating: The intervening role of health and nutrition-related claims in food advertisements

P. Pan, M. Bhandari, & Juan Meng.(accepted, 2022). Promoting healthy eating: The intervening role of health and nutrition-related claims in food advertisements. Health Education Journal, forthcoming, OnlineFirst: Abstract: This study aimed to […]

How the Impact of Social-Media Influencer Disclosures Changes Over Time: Discounting Cues and Exposure Level Can Affect Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intent

Nathaniel J. Evans, Delia Cristina Balaban, Brigitte Naderer, Meda Mucundorfeanu (forthcoming), “How the Impact of Social-Media Influencer Disclosures Changes Over Time: Discounting Cues and Exposure Level Can Affect Consumer Attitudes […]

Investigating the Impact of Immersive Advertising on Attitude toward the Brand: The Mediating Roles of Perceived Novelty, Perceived Interactivity, and Attitude toward the Advertisement

Jihoon (Jay) Kim (Grady Ph.D student), Joe Phua, Nah Ray Han (Grady Ph.D student), and Taeyeon Kim (Grady Ph.D student), “Investigating the Impact of Immersive Advertising on Attitude toward the […]

Encouraging Energy Saving through Facebook: Effect of Message Concreteness and Message Sender Distance on Consumer Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions.

Accepted for presentation at the 2020 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, March 2020, San Diego, CA. Abstract: This study examined effects of match versus mismatch of message concreteness […]