personalized advertising Archive
Getting a little too personal? Positive and negative effects of personalized advertising on online multitaskers
Abstract: Given the increasing number of personalized ads and the prevalence of media multitasking, understanding the impact of online privacy concern on ad outcomes is important. However, the interaction effects between […]
How level of personalization affects the effectiveness of personalized ad messages: The moderating role of narcissism.
ABSTRACT: This study examined the effects of two different levels of personalization strategies (individual-level vs. group-level) on consumers’ visual and attitudinal responses to personalized advertising. The study further investigated the […]
Getting a Little Too Personal? Positive and Negative Effects of Personalized Advertising on Online Mutitaskers.
Abstract: A between-subjects experiment tested the effects of medium (location-based) and high (individually tailored) personalized advertising on online news readers, half of whom also paid attention to a podcast while […]