online news Archive
Look around and learn: Effects of 360-degree video in online news
Abstract: In a between-subjects eye-tracking experiment, adult readers of a large metropolitan daily newspaper (N=70) viewed and evaluated one of two versions of the same online news feature: one with […]
Can we prime users to verify information? A study of visual attention to page cues and information search in response to online misinformation styled as news.
ABSTRACT: Misinformation that borrows from the design conventions of online news, often called simply “fake news,” is intentionally misleading and deceptive information packaged and disseminated in such a way that […]
How users rely on heuristics and emotions to form credibility impressions of novel online news articles.
ABSTRACT: Social media and other online platforms are increasingly the way consumers access news articles, which increases the likelihood of users visiting articles from sources they may not have visited […]