Advertising Archive

Effects of Risk Disclosure and Call to Action on Young Adults’ Responses to Dietary Supplement Advertising

Wenqing Zhao (PhD student), Yan Jin, and Elise Karinshak (undergraduate alum). (Forthcoming). “Effects of Risk Disclosure and Call to Action on Young Adults’ Responses to Dietary Supplement Advertising”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. […]

Unique… like everyone else: effects and mechanisms of personalization appeals in recruitment advertising

Pfiffelmann, J., Alexander Pfeuffer, Dens, N., Soulez, S. (2023). Unique… like everyone else: effects and mechanisms of personalization appeals in recruitment advertising. International Journal of Advertising. Abstract: Recruiters are faced with the […]

he Impact of Social Distance and Message Framing on Young Adults’ Response to the Anti-vaping PSAs on Instagram: The Mediating Role of Psychological Reactance

Hahm, Jung Min (Grady Ph.D. Alum) & Han, Jeong-Yeob. (2023, March). “The Impact of Social Distance and Message Framing on Young Adults’ Response to the Anti-vaping PSAs on Instagram: The […]

Examining the effects of violence level and provocation on aversive motivation activation and resource allocation in violent humorous ads

Frank, A. (PhD student), Read, G. L., Duncan, J. (PhD student), Hatfield, H. R. (PhD student), & Kim, S (former PhD student). “Examining the effects of violence level and provocation on aversive motivation activation […]

Exploring emotional and cognitive priming effects in mediated sports using psychophysiological measures: How sport program-induced emotions and ad schema congruity influence effectiveness of advertising

Lee, M. & Glenna Read (Forthcoming). “Exploring emotional and cognitive priming effects in mediated sports using psychophysiological measures: How sport program-induced emotions and ad schema congruity influence effectiveness of advertising”. […]