Photojournalism Archive

Evaluating Ethical Community Representation in Photojournalism Through Feature Photographs and Demographic Congruence

Lough, K., Moore, C. (UGA CURO student) and Chapman, A. (UGA Honors Student). “Evaluating Ethical Community Representation in Photojournalism Through Feature Photographs and Demographic Congruence,” accepted to the Media Ethics Division at the 2023 […]

Freelance Photojournalists Redefine Their Work: Perspectives on a Precarious Field

Andrea Hudson, (forthcoming) “Freelance Photojournalists Redefine Their Work: Perspectives on a Precarious Field,” Journalism Practice. DOI: Abstract: With the digitization of news, media organizations are downsizing or removing their photo departments […]

Improving representation through a solutions lens: Photojournalists’ perception and implementation of solutions visual journalism

Abstract: This study explores the use of solutions visual journalism as a practice to improve media representation of vulnerable populations. A solutions-oriented approach involves reporting on what people are doing […]

Judging photojournalism: The metajournalistic discourse of judges at the Best of Photojournalism and Pictures of the Year contests

(Forthcoming) Abstract: This study promotes how discussions during photojournalism award judging can be used as metajournalistic discourse to gain insight about the definition, boundaries and legitimization of the field. Journalism […]