Native Advertising Archive
Exploring how disclosure works for listicle-style native advertising: the role of persuasion knowledge, persuasion appropriateness and supplementary disclosure effect of brand social media
Abstract: Listicles are a new media phenomenon that appear on a news organization’s website; they are articles that use a ranked list and offer concise details about a topic to […]
Reducing native advertising deception: Revisiting the antecedents and consequences of persuasion knowledge in digital news contexts.
ABSTRACT: Building on the persuasion knowledge model, this study examines how audience characteristics and native advertising recognition influence the covert persuasion process. Among a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults […]
Advertising Nativeness as a Function of Content and Design Congruence
Abstract: Despite high interest in native advertising, the definition and effectiveness of native advertising remain subjects of debate. To address this problem, we explored the nature of perceived advertising nativeness […]
Native Advertising
Abstract: Native advertising is a form of advertising that blends into the form and function of the digital environment in which it is placed (Campbell and Marks, 2015; FTC, 2015a, […]
News vs. native advertising
Abstract: This panel engages in a debate about native advertising contextualized within the boundaries of journalism. While this advertising format is not new, it accelerates the trend of blurring the […]