Blog Archive

Millennial Communication Professionals Study Published in International Journal

This article was originally published by the Plank Center at the University of Alabama.  Juan Meng, associate professor of public relations for Grady College, recently had a collaborative study published in the International Journal of Strategic Communication. The co-sponsored millennial generation study was done by Meng and the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations […]

Fall 2019 graduates challenged to be informed and active in communities

Pictures from the Fall 2019 Grady Convocation can be viewed on the UGA Grady Flickr gallery: Fall 2019 convocation candids Miscellaneous Fall 2019 convocation ceremony pictures Fall 2019 convocation graduates: Master’s degrees Advertising and Public Relations Journalism EMST Video of convocation: UGAGrady YouTube video of Convocation Grady College graduates were celebrated and challenged to lead […]

Grady College 2019 Year in Review

Grady College is celebrating the end of 2019 with a look back at some of the stories of the year. Enjoy a recap of some of our highlights featuring students, alumni and faculty.

Peabody Appoints Six New Members to Board of Directors

Major leaders from across media include executives and creatives representing entertainment and news industry, public broadcasting, private foundations, and nonprofit organizations Peabody announces the appointment of several new members to its bicoastal board of directors. The boards provide expert counsel and stewardship, and advance Peabody’s commitment to outstanding and transformative storytelling. Launched in 2015, the […]

UGA establishes Master of Fine Arts Film program

Graduate program to work with Georgia Film Academy at Pinewood Forest Georgia’s burgeoning film and television industry stands ready to benefit from an expanded work force, thanks to an innovative new partnership between the University of Georgia, the Georgia Film Academy and Pinewood Forest, the new community in Fayetteville, Georgia, located adjacent to Pinewood Atlanta […]

Encouraging young adults who don’t get a flu vaccination to get one: Study finds virtual reality may provide a path to increased acceptance

Using a virtual reality simulation to show how flu spreads and its impact on others could be a way to encourage more people to get a flu vaccination, according to a study by researchers at the University of Georgia and the Oak Ridge Associated Universities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This is the first published study […]