The Order Effects of Humor and Risk Messaging Strategies in Public Service Announcements Promoting COVID-19 Vaccinations: The Moderating Role of Trust in Science
The Order Effects of Humor and Risk Messaging Strategies in Public Service Announcements Promoting COVID-19 Vaccinations: The Moderating Role of Trust in Science
Kim, Hanyoung (PhD alum), Hye Jin Yoon, Jeong Yeob Han, Ja Kyung Seo (PhD student), and Youngjee Ko (PhD candidate), “The Order Effects of Humor and Risk Messaging Strategies in Public Service Announcements Promoting COVID-19 Vaccinations: The Moderating Role of Trust in Science,” paper presented at AEJMC, Washington D.C. August 7-10.
Abstract: This study examined the order effects of humor and risk messaging strategies in public service announcements promoting COVID-19 vaccination on persuasion outcomes, with psychological reactance and perceived effectiveness as serial mediators, and trust in science as a moderator. Findings showed that a humor-then-risk (risk-then-humor) structure predicted lower reactance for participants with low (high) trust in science. Moreover, for low-trust participants, a humor-then-risk order yielded higher vaccination intention via reduced reactance and increased perceived PSA effectiveness.
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