Journalism Archive
Effects of visuals in solutions journalism: A social media eye-tracking experiment
Bart Wojdynski, Kyser Lough, & Sohyun Park (current Ph.D. Student) (2023, August). “Effects of visuals in solutions journalism: A social media eye-tracking experiment.” Paper accepted for presentation at the 106th Annual Association for Education […]
Picturing the overturn of Roe v. Wade: An analysis of newsroom Instagram photographs and their photographers
Andrea Hudson and Noor Abdallah (CURO student), “Picturing the overturn of Roe v. Wade: An analysis of newsroom Instagram photographs and their photographers,” paper to be presented at AEJMC in Washington D.C. August 7-10. […]
Evaluating the effects of solutions and constructive journalism: A systematic review of audience-focused research
McIntyre, K. and Kyser Lough (forthcoming) “Evaluating the effects of solutions and constructive journalism: A systematic review of audience-focused research,” Newspaper Research Journal. Abstract: The study of constructive and solutions […]
Covering Climate Solutions with Journalism
Kyser Lough, Amanda Bright, Ralitsa Vassileva & Chapman, A. (undergraduate student) (May 17, 2023). “Covering Climate Solutions with Journalism,” session proposal accepted for presentation at the Georgia Climate Conference, Athens, […]
String Quartet on the Titanic: Are journalists covering their own demise or rowing to safety?
Karin Assmann, “String Quartet on the Titanic: Are journalists covering their own demise or rowing to safety?,” accepted for presentation at the 2023 Future of Journalism Conference (Cardiff University). Abstract: […]
Is it DEI or Activism: When Campus Media Cover Racial Justice Demonstrations
Charlotte Norsworthy Varnum, “Is it DEI or Activism: When Campus Media Cover Racial Justice Demonstrations,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Panel Acceptance August 2023 Overview: This panel will examine […]
The visuals of a changing newsroom: Analyzing local coverage of the midterm election in Georgia
Andrea Hudson and Matt Binford (Ph.D. Candidate) (2023). The visuals of a changing newsroom: Analyzing local coverage of the midterm election in Georgia. Accepted for presentation to the Visual Communication Division of the […]
Are women journalists in leadership changing work conditions and newsroom culture?
Karin Assmann & Eckert, S. (Accepted, 2023) “Are women journalists in leadership changing work conditions and newsroom culture?” Journalism. Abstract: Using standpoint epistemology and critical mass theory this study analyzes […]
Whistleblowers and their faith in journalism
Karin Assmann. “Whistleblowers and their faith in journalism” has been published (online first) in Journalism Practice and was featured in Mark Coddington and Seth Lewis’ column RQ1 and in the Nieman Lab newsletter. Abstract: […]
Listening for The Echo: How Our Students Are Stepping Into, Embracing Community Journalism
Amanda Bright, “Listening for The Echo: How Our Students Are Stepping Into, Embracing Community Journalism,” Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication, Vol. 12, no. 2 (2022), pp. 77-80 Abstract: The […]