Influencer Archive
Will Brands Make it if They Fake it? Exploring the Effects of CGI Influencer Disclosures in Sponsored Social Media Posts
Alex Pfeuffer, Haley Hatfield (Ph.D. student), & Jooyoung Kim. “Will Brands Make it if They Fake it? Exploring the Effects of CGI Influencer Disclosures in Sponsored Social Media Posts.” Paper […]
Influencers’ smiles work regardless of product and message
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine how influencers’ visual content affects consumer attitudinal and behavioral responses to influencer advertising. The proposed model includes smile intensity of influencers […]
Time Heals All Wounds: How Discounting Cues and Multiple Exposures Impact the Effectiveness of Infleuncer Advertising Over Time
Abstract: Through an online experiment with a 2 (no ad disclosure/standardized ad disclosure ’paid partnership with the (brand)’) x 2 (single exposure to the influencer content/multiple exposure to the influencer […]
“The Effects of Influencer Type (Micro vs. Macro Influencer) and Brand Placement Type of Consumer Responses to Influencer Advertising.”
Taeyeon Kim (Grady PhD Student) was awarded the 2018-2019 American Academy of Advertising Dissertation Award ($2,500) for her proposal “The Effects of Influencer Type (Micro vs. Macro Influencer) and Brand […]