Instagram Archive
Two days, twenty outfits: Coachella attendees’ visual presentation of self and experience on Instagram
Keyser Lough (forthcoming). “Two days, twenty outfits: Coachella attendees’ visual presentation of self and experience on Instagram.” Journal of Visual Literacy. Abstract: This study uses a visual discourse analysis to explore the self-construction of […]
Sexualized Images of Female Influencers in Instagram Advertising: Do They Work?
Jooyoung Uhm (Grady MA alum) and Jooyoung Kim. “Sexualized Images of Female Influencers in Instagram Advertising: Do They Work?” Presented at the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, March 24 – 27, […]
Generating science buzz: An examination of multidimensional engagement with humorous scientific messages on Twitter and Instagram
Abstract: This study investigates the types of humor embedded in funny scientific posts on social media and their effects on engagement. We mapped the landscape of such posts on Twitter […]
Sexualized Images of Female Influencers in Instagram Advertising: Do They Work?
Abstract: The primary purpose of the current study is to examine the effects of sexualized images of influencers on the effectiveness of advertising regarding both cognitive and motivational processing. Overall, […]
What Drives Loyal Fans of Brand Pages to take Action? The Effects of Self-Expansion and Flow on Loyal Page Fans’ Sharing and Creation Activities
Abstract: Consumer-driven sharing and creation activities are valuable engagement activities as they help spread awareness and interaction for brands on social media. Loyal fans of brand pages are an important […]
Pro-Veganism on Instagram: Effects of User-Generated Content (UGC) Types and Content Generator Types in Instagram-Based Health Marketing Communication about Veganism
Abstract: Purpose: Through two experiments, this study assessed source and message effects of Instagram-based pro-veganism messages. Design/methodology/approach: Experiment 1 (N = 294) examined effects of organization (brand vs nonprofit) and […]
Time Heals All Wounds: How Discounting Cues and Multiple Exposures Impact the Effectiveness of Infleuncer Advertising Over Time
Abstract: Through an online experiment with a 2 (no ad disclosure/standardized ad disclosure ’paid partnership with the (brand)’) x 2 (single exposure to the influencer content/multiple exposure to the influencer […]
CEOs’ self-disclosure on Instagram and consumer-brand relationships: the moderating effect of relationship norms.
Abstract: This study examined the effects of chief executive officers’ (CEOs) self-disclosure on consumer–brand relationships and the moderating role of brand relationship norms. To test the proposed hypotheses, a 2 × 2 […]
How attributes of humorous scientific messages predict engagement on Twitter and Instagram
Abstract: The use of humor is increasingly advocated as a means of enhancing the effectiveness and visibility of science messages on social media. However, the influence of humorous scientific content […]
Effects of Brand Name versus Empowerment Advertising Campaign Hashtags in Branded Instagram Posts of Luxury versus Mass-market Brands
Abstract: Through 2 studies, this research examined consumer responses to empowerment hashtags in social media-based fashion advertising. The findings of Study 1 indicated that consumers showed more favorable attitudes towards […]