Fake news Archive
From liberal bias to ‘fake news’: Sean Hannity’s election season media-bashing from 2012-2020
Abstract: Fox News navigates Sean Hannity’s complicated status as a member of the news media by describing him as a political commentator and talk show host. His self-assigned role as media critic […]
From Liberal Bias to Fake News: Sean Hannity’s election-time media bashing from 2016 – 2020)
William Newlin, a Double Dawg, presented the paper “From Liberal Bias to Fake News: Sean Hannity’s election-time media bashing from 2016 – 2020),” co-authored with Karin Assman, at the AEJMC […]
From liberal bias to ‘fake news’: Sean Hannity’s election- season media-bashing from 2012-2020
Abstract: This study analyzes Sean Hannity’s rhetoric about the news media before, during and after the three most recent presidential elections. We treat Hannity’s discourse as metajournalistic discourse (Carlson, 2016) that […]
Challenges for communication professionals: How communication professionals could address fake news and prevent corporations from suffering the attack of fake news
Invited talk by the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. Dr. Meng was invited to share research insights on communication practice […]
Lügenpresse: The lying press and German journalists’ responses to a stigma.
Abstract: The term Lügenpresse, ‘lying press’, was used by the German National Socialist Party before and during the Third Reich to discredit the news media and to undermine public trust. […]
Book Published: North American Communication Monitor 2018-2019. Tracking trends in fake news, issues management, leadership performance, work stress, social media skills, job satisfaction and work environment.
Meng, J., Reber, B. H., Berger, B. K., Gower, K. K., & Zerfass, A. (2019). North American Communication Monitor 2018-2019. Tracking trends in fake news, issues management, leadership performance, work […]