#ProfilesofTenacity: Justin Nemetz
#ProfilesofTenacity: Justin Nemetz
Fifth-year journalism major Justin Nemetz is passionate about the visual medium. He has been fascinated by film and television from a young age and he has a minor in film studies here at the University of Georgia. As Nemetz continues his educational journey, he is excited to keep learning about video editing and the visual medium.
What does “tenacity” mean to you?
It’s all about resilience. It’s about putting yourself in situations that challenge you. It’s so much easier to learn from mistakes than staying in your comfort zone. The more you search for those opportunities, the more confidence you grow.
Why did you choose your major?
I got really interested in politics during the 2016 election. I think that cycle exposed a war of information brought on by the internet and social media. That necessity for credible information is at an all time high, and I like to think of myself as honest. I have always been into video, so the idea of telling real stories in the visual medium was a pulling factor. I also love sports, so the idea of working on a broadcast was always a big dream.
Who is your favorite Grady professor and why?
I can’t choose one. Professor Vassileva is an incredibly patient and kind teacher, and her calm demeanor really helps balance the demand of Newsource. Professor Cantrell sees the best in you and pushes your talents everyday. She can also be funny and witty, which helps in a hectic newsroom atmosphere. But I guess I have to give it to Professor Shumway, not only is he super chill but I can credit him for honing my video skills. He also puts me at ease when I am stressed about my career.
What are you passionate about?
The visual medium. As a kid, the incredible detail of our world fascinated me. I remember in 7th grade, my vision started to blur. I became nearsighted, and every time I watched a movie or TV shot composition blew my mind with its detail, since I wasn’t able to see this way before correction. Once I got contacts, the observance of my world changed; everything was crisp and clear. That got me into video. Once I began to learn how powerfully and purposefully every shot is composed in a feature film, I was hooked. I made my first video the next year for a school project, and then I would do them for classes even if they weren’t an option. Since then, it’s the one thing I want to get better at. I love video editing, and it both scares and excites me with how much I still have to learn.
What has been your biggest accomplishment in the past year?
I technical directed a baseball team’s broadcast in the Northwoods League. It was the smallest market team, their setup had many problems, and every camera operator was in high school. Most teams had a group of six to ten interns working their broadcast; we had two. The league also made a deal with ESPN+ and sadly, my team was not selected for any season games due to past broadcasts. Through my hard work, I was able to turn their reputation around, and was able to secure 4 ESPN+ home games, including the playoffs. I technical directed multiple ESPN+ games.
What is one piece of advice that you would give to other Grady students?
Find your niche, whether its video, photojournalism, scriptwriting, graphic design, sports etc. Whatever your skills are will be the best way you express yourself through your work. Do as much as you can outside of school to build upon those skills. You can never stop improving.
Who is your professional hero?
Matt Pearl. The way he tells stories is incredibly engaging, and his attention to video structure just helps send that home. The way he writes for video and what he chooses to show you draws you in, no matter the story. I want to get as good as him.
What is one thing that people would be surprised to know about you?
I am left handed and right footed, but also kind of ambidextrous. I write with my left, but cast a fishing reel with my right hand. When I played baseball, I was a right handed batter but I threw with my left hand. When I played soccer, my right foot was my dominant. I like to think my left and right brain are always kinesthetically at war with each other.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. It can be easy to compare yourself with others, but this university has people from all around the world, with different backgrounds and upbringings. You have the rest of your life to work, so learn from your own college experience.
What is your most memorable Grady experience?
The first day of classes in Fall of 2021. I transferred during the Covid Spring of 2020, so my first couple of semesters were as weird as many remember. Once students came back that first day, it felt very promising, and as a college community we were beginning to move forward. I was more optimistic about my Grady career.