Profiles of Tenacity: Johnny Klein

Profiles of Tenacity: Johnny Klein
Integrated AdPR graduate student Johnny Klein found community in Grady through involvement in organizations and immersing himself in AdPR’s culture. He encourages other students to try different activities and enjoy their time in the college.

Why did you choose your major?
I came to UGA as an undecided business major my freshman year, but I really had no idea what I wanted to study. After taking lots of personality tests, I found that I would be a great fit for a collaborative career that combined communication and creativity. Advertising just seemed like the perfect fit. After taking my Principles of Advertising class, I was sold.
What does tenacity mean to you?
Tenacity is a commitment to yourself to always try your best and never give up. There are so many challenges that you will run into in college, in your career, and in your personal life, but tenacity is the ability to persevere and achieve your goals despite the obstacles that you may encounter along the way.
What is one piece of advice that you would give to other Grady students?

I would tell other Grady students to take advantage of the amazing opportunities around them. There are so many amazing ways to get involved and gain experience during your time in Grady through organizations like Talking Dog Agency, Ad Club, PRSSA and so many more. Not only that, but there is also a wealth of networking opportunities among your peers, professors and alumni that are always closer than you think!
What or who has had the biggest impact on your life during your time at UGA?
Talking Dog Agency has by far had the biggest impact on my life during my time at UGA. Talking Dog has allowed me to gain industry experience, provided me with internship opportunities, and given me leadership skills that I never could have anticipated when I entered college. Talking Dog has gone from a way for me to understand what I wanted to do in my career and gain hands-on experience to becoming my home away from home on campus. Not only have I learned so much from my time at Talking Dog, but I have also made some of my best friends through my time in the agency.
What has been your biggest accomplishment in the past year?
My biggest accomplishment from the past year was being named Co-Director of Talking Dog Agency. Through this role, I have had the honor of co-leading and managing the overall operation of a working agency consisting of 100+ students, 10 client teams and 11 student board of directors. This is an incredible experience that not many college students can say they have done, and I am so grateful for the opportunity.
Where’s your favorite place on campus and why?
My favorite place on campus is the top floor of the Tate Student Center. It’s a great place right in the middle of campus to have a quiet study spot, and the view from the windows is amazing. I even took some naps up there freshman year.
What advice would you give to your freshman self?
I would tell myself to take my time figuring out what I want to do and just get involved. Coming into college, I was very worried about trying to figure out my career. Looking back on it, I wish I had tried different things and enjoyed not knowing what I wanted to do right away. I know I would have still found my way to where I am today, and I wish I had enjoyed my early years of college a bit more at the time.
How have the classes at Grady prepared you for your future?
All of my Grady classes in undergrad and graduate school have prepared me for my capstone campaigns classes, which have provided an amazing opportunity for real-world experience while still in school. In my undergraduate campaigns class, I was able to work with a real agency to create a full campaign for one of their clients and bring together everything I had learned in all of my coursework. Additionally, through connections I made in that class, I was able to land an account service internship with that agency during the following summer.
Editor: Morgan Jones |