Profiles of Tenacity: Gabrielle Held

Gabrielle Held at the 84th Peabody Awards on June 9 at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles.

Profiles of Tenacity: Gabrielle Held

October 18, 2024

Gabrielle Held is a fourth-year Entertainment and Media Studies major from San Diego, CA. She is the lead editor and cinematographer for The Art & Music Project (Documentary Series), an HBO/Max Post Production intern, an assistant editor for Backlight Student Film Festival, a photographer for The Agency, and involved in The Industry. She has also attended the Cannes Film Festival Study Abroad with Grady and Grady LA Study Abroad.

Why did you choose your major?

As an aspiring filmmaker and lover of film and television, EMST felt like a perfect match for me. This major offers a multitude of resources to learn, gain hands-on experience, collaborate with like-minded students, and set yourself up for success after graduation. I have been able to explore so many of my interests within film, from editing to cinematography, through my classes, extracurriculars, and study away programs in Grady.

What does tenacity mean to you?

For me, tenacity is the ability to recognize my goals and stop at nothing to achieve them. I am always learning, adapting, changing, and trying to be the best version of myself, but progress does not come without rejection, failure, or a change of plans. My biggest accomplishments have been made possible through my perseverance at times when it felt like all was lost. 

What is one piece of advice that you would give to other Grady students?

It is so important to connect and get involved with your peers in your cohort and in the EMST major at large–I never would have never accomplished what I did without my friends and classmates’ collaboration. Helping out on your classmate’s short films and attending club meetings is crucial in growing your community and learning more about what you like to do within production. As students, we often receive advice to network with those ahead of us, but our network begins with our peers, and those relationships that you build in your major will go far beyond graduation!’

What motivates you?

Surrounding myself with and searching for media that I love motivates me the most. Whether it is one of my favorite films or tv shows, good music, or photography, I cherish the media that stands out to me and strive to achieve the same wow factor with my own work. I love film for the impact that it leaves on me, and I can’t wait to achieve the same with my own work.

Gabrielle Held (right) at the 84th Peabody Awards on June 9 at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles (Photo/Submitted).

What or who has had the biggest impact on your life during your time at UGA?

My study abroad trips during Summer 2024 have had the biggest impact on my life during my time at UGA. I left the country for the first time and attended the Cannes Film Festival in May, where I dove head first into international film with a group of wonderful classmates and professors. I will cherish that trip, the friendships I made, and experiences that I had for the rest of my life and hope to one day return to Cannes to premiere my own film at the festival! In June and July, I lived in Los Angeles during the Grady LA program and interned with HBO/Max. Grady LA allowed me to build my network on the West Coast, gain a better idea of my future goals within the industry, and create lifelong friendships with my classmates in the program. The rigorous combination of working full time and getting the most out of Grady LA has been one of the most valuable experiences throughout my time in Grady, and I am so grateful to have a clearer vision about my post-grad plans because of it.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the past year?

Gabrielle Held (center) with fellow Grady College students during the Grady LA Study Abroad program in Los Angeles (Photo/Submitted).

My biggest accomplishment in this past year has been securing my Summer and Fall 2024 internship with HBO/Max and Warner Bros. Discovery. I believe that the privilege of working with one of my dream companies has been the result of my hard work and perseverance in my own projects and through the internship application process.

Where’s your favorite place on campus and why?

My favorite place on campus is the Fishbowl on the 1st floor of Grady. I always run into my friends on the 1st floor and have spent many hours getting work done there.

What advice would you give to your freshman self?

Enjoy everything that UGA and Grady has to offer. This period in your life is overflowing with opportunity, friendship, creativity, and freedom. You should continue to work hard with all that you do, but there is no need to stress yourself out over everything. Everything will work itself out—there is no need to find all of the answers now. You will come to recognize everything you don’t know, and that’s ok!

Editor: Shannon Lorusso,