Profiles of Tenacity: Adam Walters

Profiles of Tenacity: Adam Walters
Adam Walters is a fourth-year journalism major from Hartwell, GA set to graduate in May 2025. Walters is also pursuing a Sports Media Certificate and works as an intern for both the UGA Football creative team and Athletes First. He believes tenacity means having the determination to keep pushing, even when the work is difficult.
Read his Q/A below.
Why did you choose your major?

I chose journalism because I’ve always been drawn to being able to tell stories in a way that people could connect with. It allows me to report a situation that can seem complex into a way that people can understand easily and be drawn to.
What does tenacity mean to you?
Tenacity is the grit and perseverance to be able to see something through no matter how challenging it can get. Whether it’s conducting an interview or writing a story that has true impact, tenacity is what keeps you asking hard questions and chasing details that matter. But, it is not just about pushing through; it’s also being able to learn and grow through the adversity that you face. It’s the mindset that what you’re doing has purpose and that any challenges are only a part of the process.
What is one piece of advice that you would give to other Grady students?
I would suggest actually talking to your professors. I have meaningful relationships with a lot of my previous professors and they serve as great friendly faces in the building to always have a conversation with and also as great resources to help me navigate college life and the professional world as I enter into it.
What motivates you?
Seeing myself grow is what ultimately motivates me. Seeing the progress of the work I put in provides me with a lot of validation that what I am doing is paying off. It also helps provide me with a further sense of purpose, which motivates me even more.
What or who has had the biggest impact on your life during your time at UGA?
Working for Georgia Football Creative as a graphic designer and photographer has had the biggest impact on my life while I have been at UGA. I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of covering countless games, practices and events with the team that have made me grow in ways I could not have even imagined. I have had countless opportunities to see new places and have also been able to grow through such a unique opportunity. I’ve learned countless life skills and have found true passions through this experience.
What has been your biggest accomplishment in the past year?
I would say being able to be a part of a documentary last semester produced by Professor Cantrell’s capstone class that covered the Apalachee High School shooting that occurred on September 4, 2024. I had the opportunity to be a reporter on a segment that covered how the community is coming together and moving forward stronger, after such a tragedy. To have the opportunity to be in the community and speak to residents provided me with invaluable journalism experience and provided me with new perspectives. It was also extremely rewarding to see the final piece of work that my class as a whole was able to put together. I believe we did the story justice.
Where’s your favorite place on campus and why?
My favorite spot on campus is honestly Grady. There are plenty of great spots in the building for me to camp and get work done if needed (PAF, outside, Sports Media Suite) and I am also able to pop by some current and former professors for advice on careers, school and life.
What advice would you give to your freshman self?
Be where your feet are. The next four years will be a complete up and down, but as long as you stay where your feet are and follow the flow of where life is taking you, you will be alright. You can only control the controllables: the rest you’ll just have to play the hand you’ve been dealt.
Editor: Madden Callahan,