Grady InternViews: Shanylah Sainvil

Grady InternViews: Shanylah Sainvil

July 31, 2024

This is part of a series where we ask Grady College students to describe their internship experience.  

Shanylah Sainvil is a fourth-year entertainment & media studies and student working as a Marketing Intern with I Have A Dream Foundation Los Angeles. Read on as she provides insight into what this internship looks like.

Briefly describe your internship and its associated responsibilities.

At the I Have A Dream Foundation (IHADLA), our goal is to provide individualized support (e.g., academic, emotional, health, and more) to children in low-income communities from kindergarten through college. As a Marketing Intern, I had the honor of translating that generous, life-changing support to our social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) by developing, capturing, creating, and posting candid content. “We believe that when given equal access to the resources they need to succeed, all children can ignite their innate potential and achieve their dreams” –

What opportunities did you have during your internship?

Every day, I had the opportunity to explore Greater Los Angeles, specifically Koreatown, and discover new places. I attended the IHADLA Alumni & Mentor Networking event, which led me to make great connections with people in the area. Above all, I got to meet and work with an amazing group of people who are just as passionate about the organization as I am!

What skills and knowledge have you gained from your internship?

Between this internship and previous experiences, I have expanded and improved my marketing, data analysis, graphic design, networking, and account management skills immensely.

What is one work you are proud of creating in this role?

During my time at the Alumni and Mentor Mixer Networking event, I had the opportunity to photograph and videography the whole event. Afterwards, I made my first-ever self-edited Instagram reel! Typically, I’m used to editing long-form content, so it was a treat and a bit challenging to edit something more concise.

What challenges have you overcome in this role?

Naturally, I tend to be more on the introverted side of the social spectrum, so at times, my social battery dies fast, or simply, I don’t want to socialize. However, for this role, it was important that I became vocal and made efforts to get to know my co-workers, the organization, and any related individuals. It’s hard for me to hold a conversation, so I am proud of myself for pushing through and making the connections that I did while at the organization.

Shanylah Sainvil outside at an I Have A Dream Foundation Los Angeles event. (Photo: Submitted)

How did you balance your internship with everyday life?

In all honesty, my internship was part-time, and I had two simultaneous internships this summer! From my personal experience, to balance my internship with everyday life, I paced myself well at work, drafted a quick to-do list, and updated/referred to my Google Calendar. Typically, I try not to bring my work home with me. However, sometimes my work would extend into the weekend, but at that point, it wasn’t work because this internship became a passion project, so it was genuinely fun to work on everything!

How has the Grady curriculum you’ve taken prepared you for this internship?

Back in the spring, I took a production basics class with Professor Musgrove. Since then, I have a much better understanding of how to operate my camera manually. Similarly, Professor Weatherford taught me how to build websites. With both those lessons combined, I was able to quickly see the interconnections in composition, design, and lighting.

Who is one Grady Professor who has inspired you? 

Professor Musgrove! I admire her tenacity towards her dual responsibilities: running a production company and being a university professor. I love how friendly, organized, and determined she is in achieving her goals.

What advice would you give to someone looking to apply to similar internships?

From my personal experience, exhaust every option and opportunity imaginable. If you really want something, you have to try to make it work to the best of your ability (e.g., creative endeavors, internship searches, etc.).

How has this internship influenced your future career?

Shanylah Sainvil (left) outside with a friend, photographing an I Have A Dream Foundation Los Angeles event. (Photo: Submitted).

One of my goals is to become an entrepreneur and run my own creative studio, so internships like this are crucial because they teach me the value of learning how to market and pitch myself in a specific space. They also remind me to let people know that I exist as not just a person but also a creative one.

How did you find out about this internship?

During my time at Grady LA, I had been searching for another internship alongside the one I already had. I wanted an internship where I could make an impact directly on people and a community. I found the “I Have A Dream Foundation LA” online while searching for non-profit organizations in the area and deeply resonated with their mission. Later, I decided to cold email them, asking for an internship in marketing since creating (photography, videography, graphic design, and web development) were skills that I was pretty comfortable with.

Editor: Shannon Lorusso;